Sent my oldest kid off to college yesterday



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Jan 18, 2006
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We moved our oldest son to Iowa State yesterday. Good school and only an hour and a half away. Computer engineering is the direction he wants to go. I wish him luck! Kinda' sad to think he's moved out and on his own. It is
kind of a eery quiet here at home. No cars and kids. I didn't hear the back door slam once tonight. I'm sure the heat and grocery bills will be less but not enough
to offset tuition. LOL Mike
Be proud! He's on his way...

I wish him all the best.
Does he know he's moved out?
Or was it like a friend of mine where his parents sent him on vacation and when he came back he was moved into a dorm 200 miles from home and already enrolled. He didn't appreciate his parents hint.
Congrats! I just moved in to my dorm at the U of Illinois today, excited but nervous to be living alone! It's a weird feeling, but I live in town so I'm kind of living away from home but still at home, which will be nice. Good luck to your son! I'm in engineering as well.
My first son went on a scholarship and was about an hour drive away.
You can't help but worry about him and it feels good when he came to visit:love7:.
That eery felling will be filled with time for your self before you know it Mike.
My boy's have been out of the house for 7 to 8 years know.
If they get hungry or need some laundry dun they will be back.:-D
I bet yall will be fin Mike :cheers:, You have raised a good one I bet
Leaving with my oldest on Saturday; U of Virginia; I told him to be on the lookout for A-bodies, they gotta have less rust than the cars here in Massachusetts
My youngest daughter went to college 2 1/2 years ago 900 miles away.She isn't coming back.Yep,I miss her.:cry:
I remember the day my daughter left for Kansas (KU) on a softball scholarship. Long way from SoCal and I knew she wouldn't be coming home until the holidays at the earliest. I stood in the shower and cried like a baby. Very proud of her and what she'd accomplished, but still didn't want my "little girl" going so far away.
Hang in there. He'll be back with all the dirty laundry soon enough.
My older son has been out of the house for about four years, living in Dallas, which is about 2 hours north of here. Last weekend, we moved him and his stuff back home for a little while as he recovers from being unemployed for the past three months. He started work today driving a dump truck for the construction company I work for. It's a good thing he kept his CDL license current from a previous job. He's already looking for an apartment. I'm not real sure how I should take that...

My younger son has been home all summer from Texas A&M, about 1.5 hours south of here. He was back down there the past couple of days to get set up in a new apartment he will be sharing with a couple of his high school buddies. This is his second year there.

I know what you mean by the deafening silence, once they were both gone away from home. My wife and I stared at the four walls for a few days afterward.

If you guys going off to college for the first time are as busy as Aaron has been with studying, you won't have time to worry about missing home. :read2: Hang in there, it only gets better. Be sure to take advantage of "fish camps" for freshmen, and get involved in campus organizations that are related to your field of study.
My step daughter leaves for the University of Florida(Go Gators) tomorrow. Full scholarship. Not sure what she is taking, we don't talk much. But I'm proud of her.

They're at that age when you are trying to push them out with one hand and hold them back with the other... Let them go make their way and keep them sheltered and safe all at the same time, it has to be hard. Think how it was for our parents when there was no Email, Facebook, Myspace, Tweeter and other forms of instant comunication. I'm not saying it is any any means, I mean not seeing your child everyday is a hard pill to swallow, however, knowing that you are in constant touch (even if it is just electronically) has to help alittle.
Luckily my parents' anniversary was about 5 days before I moved over to my dorm, I got them one of the digital photo frames with wi-fi, so now I can just upload pictures from my dorm room and they'll see them there, or even send them from my phone, pretty cool stuff! My dorm doesn't have wi-fi, otherwise I would think about getting one for my friends to send pictures to.
Thanks for all the response. Makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. I got a e-mail from Andy today and he may come home tomorrow (Saturday) to pick up a few things he forgot. We may build a loft for his dorm room. I wish I could talk him into staying till Sunday night and we could go to Mopars on the Mississippi in Dubuque on Sunday. Thanks all! Toolmanmike
Lofting is a good idea, I lucked out and our dorm has loftable furniture already, it definitely will give you a lot more space. I have my desk and desk drawers up against the windows, chest of drawers, tv, bookshelf, fridge and microwave are all under the lofted bed. Now all I need is a better place to sit than an office chair! Good luck with getting everything set up!