Septic fields, am I being ripped off?



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
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Vancouver Island, Canada
Carmen and I just bought our first house. The two major things it needs are a roof (that's fine, I roofed for a couple years), and a new septic field to be installed in a different location than the current one, which is ready to fail at any time.
The only company in town who does inspections is Roto-Rooter, so naturally we had them come do it. He said all 3 drain lines had collapsed, and the only reason the field is still functional is because the soil is so good in the yard. It's the original system, the house was built in 1981, and the lines are the old concrete tiles. Since they did the inspection, I also had them give me a quote for a new field.
Now, I know nothing about septic fields, so I gave them the go ahead to start mapping it out. I should have gotten other quotes, however I didn't because I had to leave for work right away. I work 5 hours north of Fort McMurray, Alberta.
They said they would start October 28, and quoted me $20,495. I thought that sounded high, but again, I don't know squat about septic fields. They mentioned it would be a Type 2 system?
I'm away at work, but Carmen said they stopped by the other day without any notice, and unloaded a small excavator and started digging holes in the back yard. Then yesterday at 8 AM they were there again digging right outside the bedroom. They left all these holes in the yard, then moved behind the shop into a clear spot in the trees, and decided the field actually needed to go there.
There are 2 neighboring wells and a creek all within 30 meters of where the field will go (30 is minimum distance away unless signed off by an engineer), but they said the engineer signed off on it, which is an extra $1000.
Carmen asked exactly how much they thought it would be, and to do a walk through with her. They were rude to her and told her they would tell the homeowner the price, and that they would do the walk through with the homeowner. By that, they mean me. Well, she is the other homeowner, and mentioned that, but they ignored her. Well now they want to start the field on Tuesday, and mentioned that the price was going to be more than they quoted me, but they won't tell me what it will be. I don't get home from work until next Wednesday.

So, if you can work your way through all that, am I being screwed? Is that a high price?
Other people we've spoken to have said theirs cost $13,000, another cost $8000, etc. Nowhere near upwards of $21,000. That doesn't include electrical to run the pump, and re seeding the lawn they tore up.

I posted this in the Canadian Region because I'm not sure how the prices will vary between here and the US, but feel free to post your opinion.
I smell something and it's not pleasant.

Having the same company do "inspections" and installations is worse than having the "fox guarding the chicken house." It's more like the fox RUNNING the chicken house
I realize that. I don't like it much either.

It sort of was rushed into place because I had to leave for work the next day, gone for 2 weeks, and the home insurance company wanted some sort of confirmation we were actually getting the septic done, because they don't want to insure a house that has a septic field ready to fail at any minute.
Issue them a stop work order until you get home since you have no solid price and they were start October 28.

Sounds crazy high from what it cost here. How did the ground perk out and how much field are you required to have?
when I built my house a few years ago I got all new septic for a 4 bedroom house and needed 14 loads of fill everything complete was 4800 bucks. but that's in prince Edward island.
There are a lot of variables here including area so I can't share a suggested cost/price. But IF your soil is as good as they say it speaks of an easy job. I am not in the business but have put a few in my day including my own. I cannot tell you cost as you are in a different area for sure. But some things that would give me a clue that I was being ripped off would be the high pressure they have put on you. And the fact that they started without permission and the real killer for me would be that fact that they cannot give a quote and stick to it. And I will say that the $24,000 quote is way to high for around here....way too high!
I would think 10-K? All you should need is the 3 drainfeild lines?
Sounds like they`re reaming you for a new tank/distribution box/lines.
Ain`t no way I`d agree to work unless I got a quote, barring any unforseen huge bolders/drilling/blasting etc.
I don't know where you are in Canada related to this location but you may want to read through this. Type 2 is going to cost you every year for them to come out so they are building in job security.

What is a Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 septic system?

In 2005, when the provincial government changed the regulations governing septic systems, it defined them into categories of Type 1, 2 and 3.
Type 1 is treatment by septic tank only whereby the sewage is held in the tank before heading into a drainfield. It may be gravity fed or pumped into the drainfield. Type 2 and Type 3 systems introduce further treatment in order to produce a higher quality effluent that can be discharged into a smaller drainfield.
Type 2 and Type 3 systems are often used where there are site or soil constraints that prevent a Type 1 from being used. These systems are often referred to as package treatment plants and they have mechanical and electrical parts that require more frequent maintenance.
I wouldn't have even let them start. That is way too high. At least, I believe so.
Down here and I know things are cheaper down here, I was quoted three different quotes ranging between $2100 and $2400. For a three bedroom two bath. I just couldn't swallow 20K plus.
First you need to specify what type of field, here in northern cali a standard (trench with gravel and pipe) for a 3 bedroom house 8k + or -, a high mound (Wisconsin mound) cost about double that, are they replacing the tank as well or just the field.
if it is standard system sound way to high. an aerobic or high mound system maybe
BUT some one treats my lady like that they are apologizing or spiting out teeth and they would not be back at my house
Mike, get Carmen to issue a stop work order until you can get home. There is no way it should cost that much. This is something you cant rush into, not that you are, but these guys sound like they are using pressure tactics. Id kick them offa the job for being ignorant to Carmen.

Record/note every conversation phone call that you and Carmen have with them too.
Definetly stop , very high price. $10,000 to $15,000 should get you a modern "white water system" Consists of 3 plastic tanks - small trash tank-holds all the solids
- one large holding tank - holds grey water and has air pumped into it 24/7 this promotes bacteria and emzeme growth,this cleans the water, kind of like flushing hamburger meat into old fastion cement tanks.
- third tank is the pumping tank, pump is
contained in the tank and pumps the now treated water to your weeping field.

With these "White Water Systems" you need minimal weeping fields. I saw one system that had such a large holding tank (the grey water tank that has air pumped into it ) that they were able to pump right into the lake no weeping field. These systyms suposedly pump out "White Water". Good Luck
Here in the 'Burg, Roto-Rooter is only a last resort, prices always thru the roof, always find something extra, and very expensive, to add on.. I just had clogged outflow lines fixed, and a broken pipe replaced, for $750. Was quoted $15k if I want to replace my 70yr old system.

Not sure how they can say it is "ready to fail at any minute"...normally they either pass or fail a dye test,

I'd issue a stop work order, and get a second company to come in and assess the overall situation.

I emailed them and told them to stop and wait further instruction. I'm home in a week, I'll sort it out then.

Thanks for everyone's opinions, you guys nailed what I was fearing.
Sounds way, way too high. I would double-check with municipality and you may have other option such as employing a backhoe operator to do the excavating and another contractor to do the "plumbing". Once set up and barring any discoveries like additional rock, blasting, etc.... you can be the boss and save the profit margin.

I would boot them off my property just for being rude to one of the homeowners and report them to BBB and tell all my neighbors and, and, and...

I emailed them and told them to stop and wait further instruction. I'm home in a week, I'll sort it out then.

Thanks for everyone's opinions, you guys nailed what I was fearing.

Good. A system around here is around 5K. There could be some differences because of the type 2 thing, but I can't imagine it is that much.
I would get other estimates. I'm sure there are contractors in your area that are licensed and bonded to put septic systems in.

Your local government should have a building inspection department that
would be able to help you find one.

If it was me the way they treated Carmen I'd tell them to take a hike.

Hope everything works out for you!
I would get other estimates. I'm sure there are contractors in your area that are licensed and bonded to put septic systems in.

Your local government should have a building inspection department that
would be able to help you find one.

If it was me the way they treated Carmen I'd tell them to take a hike.

Hope everything works out for you!

We have 4 different companies, all highly recommended to us, coming when I'm home from work to give a quote.

What I'm not sure of is how to get them to pay for the yard they tore up.

I'll post pics in a bit..
Here's the yard. This was all grass before.



Wow, did you commit to them doing the job in the first place?

If not, they would be out there fixin' that. I'd be pizzed.
Wow, did you commit to them doing the job in the first place?

If not, they would be out there fixin' that. I'd be pizzed.

Nope, we only agreed for the planner to go through and figure out where the field would go. Roto Rooter mentioned they would be digging a hole to test the soil, which I was under the impression they would use an effing shovel and hand dig one hole, which is what the other companies said they would have done. I didn't realize they would bring a machine in to tear up my yard, dig 5 holes, and then abandon that spot and leave the yard like that.

Trust me, I am pissed.
................Man, Mike u guys have sure had ur share of bad luck, i'd be pissed to.......good luck getting it sorted
Mike you'll be ok if there's no contract. I can only say that down here that company does not have the best reputation. Your soil looks like it would perk very well. Should be no problem for a "good" company to fix you up for half of RotoScrewer.
Mike, I feel bad for you both. First house and this.........A friend of mine is going through this sort of thing now. She is in approx. $800 to find out the hole system is shot. First Qutoe was $11,000 now its up to $16,000. She is getting other quotes now but the guys who did all the work thus far is saying that they started it and the agreement was with them to finish it.I told her nothing is signed and for them to flip off............BTW there yard is trash too now. There system is approx 15 to 17 years old????????Im not a expert but dont they normally last longer? Hope all works out for you 2