Shooting at a local school

really terrible. Seems weird that people can buy semi and autos. 7 major shootings in the USA this year alone. Why?
It's obviously not just one thing but the ease with which to acquire a gun is one piece of the puzzle. It is a very sad thing to happen. Condolences to the parents. Truly awful!
heart breaking i look at my 4 yr old and ask how could some one do this to children. made this grown man cry and hold his son a little tighter. Prayers for all involved.
heart breaking i look at my 4 yr old and ask how could some one do this to children. made this grown man cry and hold his son a little tighter.

Hang on to them, they do not stay that small for ever, I have 2 teenage boys & came home from work & hugged them both after hearing this today.
An absolute tragedy, hopefully the shooters brother can shed some light on this. No matter if he can or not, it was a senseless act against pure innocent souls.
Prayers to all affected.
I just heard about this now, I don't no what to say other then this is tragic horrible news my heart goes out to all those families. I have a 6 year old girl and thinking of this just makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with this horrible world......
It's obviously not just one thing but the ease with which to acquire a gun is one piece of the puzzle. It is a very sad thing to happen. Condolences to the parents. Truly awful!
The guns that have killed in these latest mass shooting were not acquired legally by the shooters from what I understand so there are no laws that can really stop that type of crime. I do believe all of those poor parents need alot of love right now just to keep them from falling apart.
If you read this PLEASE bow your head to our father in Heaven-Father please be with these familys at this time,We pray that thru this terrible terrible act of hell on your blessed and innocent children that somehow,someway that your mercy and grace fills the hearts of those that lost someone today at this school,We lift these familys up to you Lord and lay this in your hands,We may never know the sick and demented reason someone would do this but we keep our faith in you and your word that you know all things and would never permit a act like this in accordance with your perfect will for our lives,These sick and perverted people in this world are growing here on earth and I pray that you will rightfully judge those who committed this act,Father we praise you for the protection of the other children and we ask that you be with Adam and his family at this time and give peace in this community where this act took place. In your Heavenly name AMEN

I've been getting bits and pieces of this all day and I'm home now thinking there just wasn't any words. I'm just numb thinking about this. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the parents who lost an innocent child to a mad man today.
Prayers go out to all who were affected by this.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has posted on this topic. I have been on several other web sites that showed the true nature and current state of our society. They have no remorse for the dead, wounded or the loved ones left to deal. They instead use the comment section as a soapbox for either side of the gun issue. I even hate to watch the news because they each put their own slant on the tragedy (guns).

FABO community thank you for being who you are. Chris
The guns that have killed in these latest mass shooting were not acquired legally by the shooters from what I understand so there are no laws that can really stop that type of crime. I do believe all of those poor parents need alot of love right now just to keep them from falling apart.

I know it's going to get to this like all the other shooting in the past. It seems to be one of those debates that are between a rock and a hard place. I agree (for the States) people have a right to bare-arms however...there should be a limit to as there is a limit for most things in life. If you want to hunt, get that beautiful rifle. If you want that hand gun for protection, by all means (belong to a club)..If you want that SMG/KA 47 etc to shoot, join the Army..Sorry...guys..them poor kids :banghead:


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I am not a huge gun advocate but please look at the rest of the world. If the crazies don't have illegal guns they will have illegal bombs. Society has issues containing these sick people. Media feeds sick folks as well. I wish they would just say we can not release their name and can not show the picture due to the nature of this crime......sorry but I hate to see these disturbed people see something like a school shooting or theater shooting and relating is some twisted way.
I know it's going to get to this like all the other shooting in the past. It seems to be one of those debates that are between a rock and a hard place. I agree (for the States) people have a right to bare-arms however...there should be a limit to as there is a limit for most things in life. If you want to hunt, get that beautiful rifle. If you want that hand gun for protection, by all means (belong to a club)..If you want that SMG/KA 47 etc to shoot, join the Army..Sorry...guys..them poor kids :banghead:

598 murders in Canada in 2011. People will kill people no matter what.
Lets not turn this in to a gun debate. If you want to do that theres one going already in the N&P forum.
Roger That Adam,..That will have Its time Later,...Now is not the time,...Right now We need to be thinkin about the families who have lost a loved one,...And hug Your Child ,...Today...
If I had my way, if you want to become a teacher, part of your teaching certificate would include a pistol permit, and yearly updated shooter training.
If the principal at that school was packin, she/he coulda blown the guy away before he ever got to the kids. It should be a requirement.

What I wanna know is, WTF opened the door allowing this waste of space to enter the building in the first place!

When I heard this news while on a jobsite today, I called my wife and told her to get both the kids out of school, bring them home, and stay there. Neither school gave her any trouble, but one office employee said something to her about "panicking". My wife didn't answer, took the kids, and brought them home. I told her, "If we leave them in school, and something DOES happen, we have to live with that for the rest of our lives, so just get them home".

I feel terrible for the poor parents of these little kids. My heart BLEEDS for them tonight. I cannot (and refuse to try) imagine how terribly helpless they must feel. If this ever happened to me, I don't know if I could survive fact, I know I couldn't. I could lose everything tomorrow, but as long as I have my wife & kids, I'll be OK.

Say a prayer to your Lord tonight for these poor, suffering parents. May the peace of The Lord be with them. I can't imagine their suffering.

Hart broken and stunned as I listened to all of this unfold today Adam, I was so relieved to see your children are home and safe.. Prayers for you and your many friends near you. I can't imagine this kind of day happen to me .
Rest and be strong for your community .
For those that believe that faculty should be allowed to carry guns try to remember the Empire State shooting in August. Nine people were wounded. Every one of them was hit by Police gunfire.
Lets not turn this in to a gun debate and still the **** at bad times. If you want to do that theres one going already in the N&P forum.

STILL the ****..Sorry AdamR, I'm very glad your children are safe and in your arms. It's not my intention to turn anything into a gun debate here. It's just "my" point of view. We all went thought this before in the past 5/6 years on here. It's a fact what we are all going though in life these days. We all like to think, or say this is not the time to talk or state our feelings ....Well maybe it is time for a for a change...somewhere. Screw the 1700s gun write-up. My feeling of sorrow for those poor kids is very strong, those little kids never hurt no-one..Maybe it is time to get a grip now! (and really state what you feel about how easy it is to get any Automatic Weapons of your liking)...People should speak now...not after people forget and it's just another day! Sorry again AdamR, just my point of view! If you don't like what I have to say just dump me!! Remember I hurt Too for these kid and thier families!!! Nuff-said. Jim