Shredding phase....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Kinda says it all. When we go to bed Ernie leaves her chanclas on the floor. Week or so ago Ernie woke up to the sound of a chewing was Shelby chewing on her chancla. (Sandler, for those who don't speak Spanish)
Came in from working on the truck and found Shelby in the crate. She also had a pile of paper by the TV.
She has a ways to go to match Queenies shredding. We came home from work to find an entire Sunday paper turned into confetti. Queenie left a pile in one room with a trail going into a pile in another room...she left a trail heading down the hallway into our room....but ran out of paper prior to getting there.
Red, one of our Coonhounds used to be able to pick a magazine from the middle of a standing stack...without making it obvious he did so.
Masterful shredders...
The eyes say it all. Says just wait dad, aint seen nothing yet.
My buddy brought me over to see his new townhouse one day. He opened the door and there it was. Both floors were completely destroyed. Literally nothing left of anything.
My Golden is in the chewing phase, he's 8 months old and has the furniture, shoes and paper towels torn up. He drives us crazy at times..Lol