So, do you think it's winter yet?


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
Here's a couple of pics I took in my driveway today. My lovely wife volunteered for one pic in my driveway. We are expecting another foot of snow tonight and tomorrow. When will it end?



74 here yesterday did some body work and painting in my shorts and flip flops
SHHHHHHHH! Don't tell them that or they all will come down here.:-D

Beautiful pictures! :cheers:
Hey Jack... I can think of a better piece of equipment than that plow. It's called a U-Haul.... I'd get the hell outta there! :-D
dont like winters because of the winters here being just wet...
looks like you live in a beutifull place!
Jack baby, you got it back East and we are getting it here out West. Here's the road down to my shop, the back yard and the street out front. No complaints, the temp has been nice and the fresh air makes that glass of wine taste that much better when you come in.=P~ These were taken last week, we have more now.




Hay Jack and sparky!! Thanks for sharing.
Hope everyone is staying worm and comfy and enjoying the view as I am.
It will be in the low 20's tonight here in northeast Arkansas
and the wind is blowing.

I jumped up an took a picture facing west out my back door.
Some snow sure would make my day here.
Can you send me some!!

Beautiful pictures even though I hate snow. Actually I dont hate it, I just hate the lack of work and money that comes with it.

We were supposed to get snow the last few days and got rain instead. Now tomorrows forcast is a high of 18* at 7am and dropping to about 8* by late afternoon. Thursday is a high of 9* and a low of -5* before the wind chill.

Looks like a few more days off for me.
Hey Jack you guys are really getting trashed out there eh. We haven't had any new snow for a couple weeks now and got about 3" on the ground. The Chinooks are supposed to startup tonight so it'll probably be melting in the next couple days.

We have about as much snow here as you guys do in Canada. I guess I really don't mind the snow, but I really HATE to shovel it. I don't have a sroking snowblower anymore and I still haven't put a plow on my truck. I swear next year I will have a plow AND a working snowblower. If it's gonna be winter, it might as well look the part.
Sparky, It looks like you live in a beautiful area. To bad you have about the same amount of snow as us.

Mike, Bring a biiigggggg truck, you can have as much as this snow as you want.

John, You may be right with the U-Haul idea. I would like to be able to plunk this house and 2 acres down on Long Island somewhere. I would sell it and move farther south. LOL

It has started snowing again. I think I am going to cry.

We got dumped on again last night. :angry7: 16-18"....then the drifting. I was snowblowing 3' drifts at work last night. You know Jack, maybe U-haul will give us a group discount. Texas is sounding pretty good right about now.:thumrigh:Tim

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Yep, Tim, That's what we ended up with to. I spent 2 hours plowing my driveway this morning and I have to do it again when I get home. Good thing your feeding that guy, food is probably getting scarce for them out in the wild.

Jack, just checked out the CTV news, you guys are up to your arses in the white stuff for sure. Make sure you put your fur lined chock strap on before you go out to plow.
Be safe,stay warm.
You know it's winter when your vehicle is covered in this white ****. Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a's not cocaine! If you guessed SALT you're right! Ding ding ding!!

Imagine how much must get into the cavities and cracks and seams?



What do they do with that stuff up there? Put 2 inch's of salt on the road and hope it melts the snow as it lands? The van is not long for this world with salt caked on it like that.

By the way, I think I may have to put a sweater on today. It's -30 this morning.

They plow then salt with a truck that spins little granules out of a hopper. Sometimes you can come home and lick your lips and taste the stuff, it just gets in the air outside. Ya, the van is just my work's rusting away as we speak. -30 is getting friggin' cold!
Sorry Jack but it's 9 PM and 0 celcius out side, supposed to hit +8 tomorrow, oh how I hate Chinooks-not.:p

Life's been tough here too. Looking to go to a car show tomorrow. Howard (AZ temporary)

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