So, I can call him, "you little bastard?"



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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looking to see whats out there - 20 (spokane)

Date: 2012-06-07, 7:17PM PDT
Reply to: [email protected]
Ok so let's try this again my last post was flagged. Looking for a nice guy who does not mind kids that are not his. I have a daughter and am pregnant now with my son. I'm due october 1st. I need a guy that can support himself I'm not an atm. He needs to have his own place and his own car. I'm 5'3" blonde hair (not naturally) my eyes go back and forth from hazel and green depends on my mood. I'm. Looking for a guy that wants to find his wife. I want to be married before I have anymore kids and hopefuly to mr.right before I'm 25.

I would love her address........

Please take this enclosed nickel and hold it between your knee's so nothing else can get between them!
Should read:

Looking for a chump to marry me, support me and adopt my little bastard children. I like to party so you will also need to be a good baby sitter too while I'm out with my friends. I'll probably mess around your back while you are watching little Moshandra and Pedro, Sorry but I like to breed and make someone else pay for my childrens and food stamps and welfare just doesn't support my life style plus two children. Fat, bald, stupid, smart, ugly or handsome I'll take anybody with a job.
Well i suppose there's nuthin else to do in her hood in Wash. Come on fellas you may end up tattooed on her sucker list she's starting on her right breast.
:wack:My question is why didn't daddy hang around? It is pretty f*cked up to post on craigslist to find "soulmate", but even worse to post while having a bun in the oven. No self respect and by the looks of it we will pay for her lack of keeping her legs closed!!! See this all too often.
Tune into the next edition of Maury.....


[ame=""]The NEW "You Are NOT the Father" - YouTube[/ame]
MY question is, "how dumb" do ya hafta be when ya can't get a photo displayed upright?
Caption could also read, "Dumbassed party girl" looking for a man to either breed me or feed me, pick one and stick to your guns. Did I mention I have multiple boy friends so you'll need your own place to live as it can get really noizey around here and that's not good for your job which you'll need to be able to keep me in the luxury I so richley deserve.
