So long, Tony Stewart

There is alleged to be another video from a different angle which shows the hot head reaching and grabbing at the sideboard wing of Stewarts car.

Here's a comment from a crew member on the car that was just ahead of Stewart


Follow a car about 3 car lengths behind at 45-50 and have them make an evasive move to avoid something in the roadway. See how well you do avoiding the item with even less time.

Bottom line, stay in the car or stay at the cushion and none of this tragedy ever occurs. The dead guy is at fault for putting himself in a bad spot.
I'm not a NASCAR fan, not a Tony Stewart fan, and don't take sides! My opinion is based purely on fact...the kid got out of his car and headed into traffic...his fault period!! Stupid move, and he paid the price for it! Sorry it happened, but its nobody's fault but his!!! Of course in this lawsuit based society we live in, nobody takes the blame for their own action, so someone must be sued!! Look for it to come, I guarentee it!! Probably gonna sue the tire maker, the guardrail maker, the track, Pepsi, and anybody else they can find fault with!!! I say 9 pages is enough of this discussion!!! Geof
One of the kid's racing friends, also on the track at the time, was pointing how much you steer with the throttle as well as the wheel of these cars.
Yes the kid should have stayed in the car. But I'm sure he has seen the same actions from Nascar drivers like Tony and others. Lead by example.
I'm not a NASCAR fan, not a Tony Stewart fan, and don't take sides! My opinion is based purely on fact...the kid got out of his car and headed into traffic...his fault period!! Stupid move, and he paid the price for it! Sorry it happened, but its nobody's fault but his!!! Of course in this lawsuit based society we live in, nobody takes the blame for their own action, so someone must be sued!! Look for it to come, I guarentee it!! Probably gonna sue the tire maker, the guardrail maker, the track, Pepsi, and anybody else they can find fault with!!! I say 9 pages is enough of this discussion!!! Geof
I'm with cosgig, nine pages is enough. Lets talk about how cool 383 69' cuda's are!
There is another video that shows Ward jump up and grab Stewarts wing before he falls off onto the tire
Yes the kid should have stayed in the car. But I'm sure he has seen the same actions from Nascar drivers like Tony and others. Lead by example.
I have never seen any other driver jump into the path of a moving race car. Been watching all forms of racing, live and on TV for about 50 years.
I have never seen any other driver jump into the path of a moving race car. Been watching all forms of racing, live and on TV for about 50 years.

First I don't think the kid "jumped" in front of a car. And second I've seen plenty of drivers get out of a car and confront another driver on the track.
Well from listening to how the media is reporting it, they want Stewart hanged by his balls. I never heard anything reported so one sided in my life. So far, I've heard none of them say anything about how Ward should have stayed in his car. Not one word.
First I don't think the kid "jumped" in front of a car. And second I've seen plenty of drivers get out of a car and confront another driver on the track.

Me too. Get out and confront, point, throw helmets, hit or kick the car as it goes by......this was my whole point. Stewart is an experienced driver. First, he knew he put the kid in the wall. That was racin in my book. He should have. The kid had no reason to pass on the outside like a dumbass. But secondly, Stewart knew the kid would probably do what he did......since Stewart himself has done the SAME THING so many times. He knew what was comin and should have been on the lookout, so the "he didn't see him" **** doesn't hold water to me. And even if he really didn't see him, he knew from experience the kid would probably be out of the car.

Regardless, Kevin Ward's dead. That cannot be changed. No amount of punishment to Stewart will bring him back.
Everybody loves a public execution...especially if it from the status class...

..any you think the Romans were blood thirsty..

..all you need now are a couple of riots which turn into brawls and looting then you have the complete package..
Everybody loves a public execution...especially if it from the status class...

..any you think the Romans were blood thirsty..

..all you need now are a couple of riots which turn into brawls and looting then you have the complete package..

guys, i got another new duster one of one built special paint code and its a 340 with a 4 speed what do you think number where ran by hemi mark, and hemi denny well known poplar mopar guys only paid 312 .for the rare duster


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guys, i got another new duster one of one built special paint code and its a 340 with a 4 speed what do you think number where ran by hemi mark, and hemi denny well known poplar mopar guys only paid 312 .for the rare duster

You got ripped off. It has the wrong year valve stems in the wheels.
turin, n.y. -- mourners filed into south lewis high school for the funeral of sprint car driver kevin ward jr. On thursday, many of them wearing the orange, white and black colors of his no. 13 race car.

Kayla herring, one of ward jr.'s older sisters, proudly displayed her ribbon -- with ward jr.'s car number surrounded by a halo and wings -- in the morning sun of this upstate adirondack community.

"it's rough. ... We will get through," herring said.

During the service, she said, ''if there wasn't a dirt track in heaven before, there is now."

the 20-year-old native of nearby port leyden was killed after he got out of his car following a racing incident with tony stewart on august 9. When ward approached stewart's car to confront the nascar star during a caution period, he was struck by the right rear tire, run over and killed.

Ward jr.'s parents -- kevin ward sr. And pamela -- arrived together before the service. Ward sr. Was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt from his son's racing team with a large orange no. 13 on the right sleeve.

The auditorium seats about 550 people and wasn't large enough to embrace the family and friends for the service, which started at 11 a.m. The family opted to have the service here to allow the maximum number of people who wanted to attend do so.

The service opened with the dixie chicks' godspeed (sweet dreams), at the request of ward jr.'s mother, pamela.

Dean reynolds, vice president of the empire super sprint series in which ward jr. Was participating, says their asphalt race will now be known as the kevin ward jr. Memorial.

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Maybe Tony can parlay this into a sponsorship deal with a signature series of Cat Steamrollers?

Back to the lynching. When is the lethal injection for Stewart supposed to happen?
Maybe Tony can parlay this into a sponsorship deal with a signature series of Cat Steamrollers?

Back to the lynching. When is the lethal injection for Stewart supposed to happen?

lol If the media has their way, any day now.
Tony Stewart is a celebrity
He won't face any charges
Just ask Mathew Broderick or Laura Bush
Ted Kennedy too

Well from listening to how the media is reporting it, they want Stewart hanged by his balls. I never heard anything reported so one sided in my life. So far, I've heard none of them say anything about how Ward should have stayed in his car. Not one word.

Watch ESPN.

They've been covering this from both "sides." With current and former racer commentary.

They've also played a lot of the segment of the interview from Time Warner News I mentioned above.
I know tony very well he is a hot head but if you want to race with him , He will take you to the EDGE and go out with you if he has to. Open wheel racing takes the BIGGEST OF BALLS.900 hp in a 1200 lb car if that now hold it WFO FOR 30 LAPS.
It is an art , and pure adrenalin x10. The kid could have hit the brakes instead of playing games with tony < TONY doesn't care if he takes the ride He:s been there many times before . Joe gibbs also toldtony no more dirt racing if I hire you, tony said sprints and midgets are my life I will not give it up . Long story short ,Joe did not take away tony"s lively hood ,it would be like taking away football from Joe Gibbs 30 years ago ,Its what he got out of bed for IT WAS LIFE . Don't get me wrong I don't like tony either , but I respect his talent for riding on the edge .he will take you out to win . I am sorry the kid got hit let alone died, but he had a better chance of living to race another day crossing the interstate on memorial weekend . DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR RACE CAR especially when your adrenalin is pumping WFO and especially don't get out in front of TONY . As much as I hate him this death will haunt him worse than any crash he:s ever had . it was more the fault of getting out of the car to chase tony down that got him DEAD period IVE punched guys out because I was drunk and regretted it Tony had a soul selling talent , and the Temper of a 2 year old spoiled brat but the kid was at fault You want to play jury go to TONY STEWART .COM and watch the video 100 times in slow motion, impartial to who was in the cars , then hand in your verdict. a real trial in this nation should never see a face or a name just hear or see the facts . not your a bush or a kennedy so go free . to bad commin sense is so hard to find now days and we cant just get along. we will never see eye to eye on every thing so part and start over tommoro or we all loose to the biggest bomb . I wont jump in front of my wifes car if I just pissed her off either learn from this KARMA WILL TAKE CARE OF TONY as it will us . when you sell your soul to the devel as a lot of us did we signed in blood . the only way to get it back is thru working threw GOD.!! make the second choice right . HAGR81 ALL .I"LL make my bet tony"s deal with the devil just expired , I can only hope he make the right choices for now he has to earn his way back to God , and I can confess its a lot longer row to hoe than selling your soul .