Son got laid off



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
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Ontario Parts Unknown
My oldest boy just called and said he got laid off 1/2 hour before shift ended tonight. What a kick in the bag! He wasn't the only one, there were about 10 of them. Positive thoughts he's a good kid and great Dad.
Thanks all
man that's rough

on the bright side, it could have happened a month ago and left your grandson with no Christmas presents

hopefully hes a responsible young man and had a chance to put some money aside for times like this
My oldest boy just called and said he got laid off 1/2 hour before shift ended tonight. What a kick in the bag! He wasn't the only one, there were about 10 of them. Positive thoughts he's a good kid and great Dad.
Thanks all
He may feel down like you do. But he was laid off. Not fired. If he is smart and I don't doubt he is, he will get a better job. It sure isn't like 40 years ago. Forget it for now.
And please tell him this: Tomorrow is always better than today.
Thanks guys. He didnt make enough to set any aside. Its happened before and it only lasted a week. Who knows how long for this one. I hear ya on the month ago....ya gotta look for the silver lining thru the tough times.
My 93 year ol Gramma always says its not what happens to you that defines you its how you deal with it. Great words.
Thanks guys
WTH huh - there's no such thing as a good time to have this kind of thing happen but really - on Christmas Eve!? You got it with the positive thoughts coming your way - and here's *ehhht* to the former employer - :finga: :wack:
what kind of employer has a layoff on xmas eve. it's the one not worth working for.
God will show him the way, He will not let this young man down!!! Hope he's still got a positive attitude to share with his kids this Christmas, and I'm sure he will be right back at it soon!! May God bless him, and your whole family this Christmas, Steve!!!
Bad timing Steve. But like your Gramma says .....
Lots of people loosing there jobs here in Alberta ,then on top of that they added
a Carbon tax.
It does suck;my brother just got let go from a job he had at a battery manufacturer for 13 years this past week.
First thought is he will bounce back big time,second thought is the company just wanted to save holiday money or screw a bunch of workers to put more cash back in there pockets.If a company does that type of thing,look else where asap,as these people will only get worse,mrmopartech
Thanks all. Yeah he was contract so it was cost savings for sure. He was working for Siemens electronics. I would imagine no stat pay for the 3 holidays. More and more business even government are going contract. Im on a contract also.
Hes been dealt a few knuckleballs the past couple years but he is still trying to stay positive. He blessed us last October with our first grandbaby Lennon. So new dad and all. Hes got lots of support thoughThanks again for listening/reading.
That sucks! Hopefully he will be back on his feet in no time. tmm
What a kick in the @ss...

It sucks when companies do that...

"business as usual"

Good luck to him to find a new job...
I have lost a couple jobs that way and always ended up in a better job. I hope the same for him. Make lemonade from the lemons you are dealt.
Steve, that really Sucks! Sorry to hear. The notices at my work went around as of late too. The only good thing if any,, is they have 5 month notice because they are unionized. Im wishin him luck with a new endevour. Like my pops always said, one door closes another opens, usually better. Have faith. BTW is he in a trade, i know a ton of people. Let me know. All the best, Edd
What a kick in the @ss...

It sucks when companies do that...

"business as usual"

Good luck to him to find a new job...

Heh, yeah. It's only business, don't take it personal. When it happens to YOU, then it IS personal. Hoping for the best. If he is younger, say 30's, hopefully he can get another gig quick! Praying.
Yep the rich get richer. He has some schooling in electrical that's how he got in at Siemens. He's 24 so lots of time but still living hand to mouth. Doesn't qualify for unemployment as he is short on one more weel of work he would have qualified.

Thanks all
Yep the rich get richer. He has some schooling in electrical that's how he got in at Siemens. He's 24 so lots of time but still living hand to mouth. Doesn't qualify for unemployment as he is short on one more weel of work he would have qualified.

Thanks all

35 convenient. :wack:
Sad, but its the way many companies do business. Like you said, now they don't have to pay him through the holidays. The last place I worked was notorious for laying off a month before Christmas. I'm glad to be in a better place and no longer on contract, and I hope your son finds more steady employment in the new year. Best wishes for a brighter future.