Spinal Injection Day....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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....is finally here. Got the reminder call last week...no anti inflammatory meds blah blah driver needs to stay in the building...Yahoo...going to be sedated....first time in about 6 days I may actually get some rest...
Seriously hope these shots bring some relief...the business end of my .45 is really starting to look inviting. Mother effing pain...
Spent several hours on myour feet at Spokane County Raceway on Saturday taking pictures and videos trackside. I knelt down to get some video and damn near couldn't get up...
All you young folks...take extremely good care of your back. Lift correctly...get help, no hero lifts, when needed. Be very wary of repetitive motion jobs...they will tear you up. With damn near any repetitive motion injury arthritis will settle in...where the hell is that gun...
My wife has had a few shots, they helped but not long term. Acupuncture actually works the best in her case, she is also on a ton of narcotics which are a pia to get now with all the opioids being abused really sucks for the people that actually need them. Hang in there.
Wow very Sorry to hear that. I have 4 bulging disc in my lower back. I went through 3 spin shots. It's not that bad. It helped me some. But I don't think it's a long term cure.
Good luck. I know what your going through. I had 2 shots & they did nothing for me. I hope they work for ya. Ive been dealing w/ my lower spine problems for years. It sucks.
Hoping the best for you! Back pain is no fun in any definition of the word....

I've had an old school back surgery way back in the '80's for broken/bulging discs from an on-the-job accident, and since then I've had to have two series(4 injections for each series) of cortisone steroid shots directly into the lower spinal column. These shots had to be administered while under anesthesia, because if I even so much as twitched the wrong muscle during the procedure, I would've been paralyzed from the waist down.

Since then, I've had no major issues.....thankfully. The MOST important thing is to strengthen your abdominal core muscles....and per doctor's orders, stay the hell outta the recliner!!! LOL!
Had a series of three in July and lasted for two weeks. I'm recovering from back surgery now.
Years & years ago when I would pull my lower back muscles a lot i started going to the gym & doing a lot of sit ups,crunches & leg raises. Never pulled a back muscle again. Now its the lower spine. As for the recliner i hear ya but when its the only thing to ease the pain.
So far so good....but it is far to early to tell. I have spoken with a surgeon or two...in addition to all of my regular docs. They are all saying at this point surgery is simply not a good idea....
Thank you fir your concern...will update this in a few days....
Glad to hear it's helping Doug. Hope it lasts a long time for you. I've had a bunch. Got to where they don't help me much anymore. Last 2 mornings have been excruciating. Waiting for winter for things to slow down and then it's back to see the surgeon
My wife has had a few shots, they helped but not long term. Acupuncture actually works the best in her case, she is also on a ton of narcotics which are a pia to get now with all the opioids being abused really sucks for the people that actually need them. Hang in there.
I tried a former of acupuncture...at least I think it was, called dry needling. Not much help. Just curious, is your wife on a pain contract with her doc?
Wow very Sorry to hear that. I have 4 bulging disc in my lower back. I went through 3 spin shots. It's not that bad. It helped me some. But I don't think it's a long term cure.
Was told that the shots are nothing more than another band aid cure...but truthfully so are the meds. I had them sedate me...had no idea what to expect.

Good luck. I know what your going through. I had 2 shots & they did nothing for me. I hope they work for ya. Ive been dealing w/ my lower spine problems for years. It sucks.
My wife had these shots once, years ago. Did squat for her as well...

Hoping the best for you! Back pain is no fun in any definition of the word....

I've had an old school back surgery way back in the '80's for broken/bulging discs from an on-the-job accident, and since then I've had to have two series(4 injections for each series) of cortisone steroid shots directly into the lower spinal column. These shots had to be administered while under anesthesia, because if I even so much as twitched the wrong muscle during the procedure, I would've been paralyzed from the waist down.

Since then, I've had no major issues.....thankfully. The MOST important thing is to strengthen your abdominal core muscles....and per doctor's orders, stay the hell outta the recliner!!! LOL!
Every doc I have seen has advised me to do my best to stay as active as I can. I do try. Old school back surgery? When I was 6 or so my mother tripped over the dog, ended up back first in a closet. Had a disc removed and the vertebrae fused. She had damn near 0 mobility. And a truck load of pain.
Had a series of three in July and lasted for two weeks. I'm recovering from back surgery now.
What surgery did you have?
Glad to hear it's helping Doug. Hope it lasts a long time for you. I've had a bunch. Got to where they don't help me much anymore. Last 2 mornings have been excruciating. Waiting for winter for things to slow down and then it's back to see the surgeon
Nothing like waking to excruciating pain...

So far so good. Still feel pretty tight. Replaced one of the T-8 lights in the garage yesterday...Hurt a bit when I was done but it settled back down. Was on the treadmill Tuesday/Wednesday night. No incline. But was only a bit uncomfortable after an hour.
Last I seen my shoulder surgeon we were talking about my chest pain/shortness of breath. Has been going on for several years. She told me that I need to not hide this from any doc I see about my back pain. Have had several stress tests done, EKGS, have had several Echocardiograms done...everything is normal. So even if surgery does become an option it is going to be a problem.
I had a Laminectomy on L2 thru L5 and the doctor found a herniated disc too.
My shots only lasted a little over 2 weeks and the pain was back.
About three weeks after the injections I started having severe pin and needle like pain in my left nipple. Had to have an ultrasound they determined that it was caused by the crystalline in the injection collecting in my left chest.
Good luck, I hope that they work for you.
I had a Laminectomy on L2 thru L5 and the doctor found a herniated disc too.
My shots only lasted a little over 2 weeks and the pain was back.
About three weeks after the injections I started having severe pin and needle like pain in my left nipple. Had to have an ultrasound they determined that it was caused by the crystalline in the injection collecting in my left chest.
Good luck, I hope that they work for you.
Talk about a strange side effect.
So far so good. Only thing I can really feel is tightness...right in the middle of my back just above my arse crack. Have been taking it easy. Hung some new lights in the garage, changed the oil/rotated the tires on our Explorer. Last time I did this took me all afternoon...this time was about 45 minutes...washed my truck today...was expecting to hurt like I got hit by a bus...surprisingly didn't make me hurt at all...
One thing I can't help but notice is the daily headaches lately. Could be the weather change..I developed an ads kicker of a sinus problem living in AZ. Now when we go thru the seasonal changes I get a ton more congested than normal...