Staying Informed



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2014
Reaction score
El Dorado, Arkansas
Just about the time you think you have heard about everything, along comes something that makes you go "why in the hell didn't I invent something like that?" Then you think...where in the heck have I've been lately? I was watching Garage Squad tonight and they had an inflatable spray paint booth. What a concept! What a great solution for someone that wants to do his own paint, but no way to do it. Amazon has them so does eBay and independents. They are not real expensive either. Yeah, I know everyone has seen one and have known about them...Well? I haven't. Cool product!
I saw an article in a car magazine from the 1980s where they showed u how to make a paint booth out of pvc pipe furnace filters and plastic drop cloth. You can dismantle it and stack it in storage when not used. I thought it was a cool idea
Down draft!!???????????

Ya know, that always seem to be the limitation on the DIY things. I wonder if just putting the car up stands and shoving pallets under it. Line the tops of the pallets with something, maybe even the bottom of some tent (with holes of course) and the bottom becomes the "blow out" point. Would that be a good enough down draft?

Things that make ya go hmmmm.
They were ranging from (practical size) $1000.00 up to $5000.00, several of them had filtered ventilation systems.
One thing to keep in mind i believe, when building one for youself, is to use fans with explosion proof (no brushes) motors. A grain elevator blew up when I was a kid and we heard it 5 miles away inside my school. Someone mistakenly replaced a ventilation fan motor with the wrong type. One spark and the blew it's top like a mortar. Very dangerous. If it's not obvious, the dusty air inside the elevator was like atomized fuel/air. The same thing can happen with paint solvents.
Me I paint under a shed when the temp is OK just some window type fans blowing way some of the fumes. That could be bad dangerous I bet.
Yes grain dust is extremely explosive.