Stop in for a cup of coffee

and it's Z time so F it... Dave, did you see the thread I copied into here earlier?
I did, but I have too much going on to jump on it right now. My PS request list is a little long right now. If no on else gets to it a couple of days, I may jump in and offer help.
got in - they must have been doing an "upgrade" the whole interface looks different - again.. sheesh.. anyway, here's a shot of it from earlier today - notice the 1/2" extension sticking out of the carb... LOL
Good evening folks! I finally got all the organization of the small parts done in the Dart Cave today...91 small drawers and 18 large drawers sorted and labeled.

View attachment 1714946313

Well I'll say this for you. Nobody can say you have a screw loose.LOL

Plenty of extra drawers left for future accumulation of stuff too! 37 small drawers and 6 large drawers in reserve.
Well the lift is up again, really cannot believe one little seal lifts 7k lbs!
Yeah always have them on I usually lower the lift down till the car sits on them a bit. Dam garage looks like a gulf station now!!!! Looks great thought.
Yeah always have them on I usually lower the lift down till the car sits on them a bit. Dam garage looks like a gulf station now!!!! Looks great thought.
That's what your supposed to do. Now you just need to keep it polished. Mike said I need to get another one.LOL not gonna happen. We have been dismantling the charger on the ground.
Now that's funny there! Nothing new here just plugging along the best I can.
Morning gents, sitting at salt lake airport, flying back to Denver. Coffee here not so good, but it is coffee.
Morning, never cared for that airport, been through there myself a few times.