Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hope it doesn't rain today. I need to finish moving Mom's things today. Just a bed and dining room table but i don't want to get it wet and it's kinda hard to cover.

May the hair on a dry camels back be with you Mike :D
I'm not getting much response on my "what's it worth"thread. I was hoping to get responses of "I bought mine for *** and this is what it looks like.
Morning fella,s..Happy Canada Day!:cheers:I,m headed to the local track for some T&T 11am-4pm.I just replaced an oil pan gasket in the 66 Dart and need to check for leaks after a pass.(more crankcase pressure). Funny as I type,TV show on(Highway to Sell) and there redoing a 66 Barracuda.LOL:burnout:
I'll check that thread also Mike, later on. Gotta go now. Goin shoppin for more breakfast food, Yum,Yum
Morning fella,s..Happy Canada Day!:cheers:I,m headed to the local track for some T&T 11am-4pm.I just replaced an oil pan gasket in the 66 Dart and need to check for leaks after a pass.(more crankcase pressure). Funny as I type,TV show on(Highway to Sell) and there redoing a 66 Barracuda.LOL:burnout:

May your oil pan stay as dry as a hair on a camels back Scott :cheers: Enjoy this great day up there my friend :burnout::burnout: and Happy Canada day to you and all your folks :color:
Morning fella,s..Happy Canada Day!:cheers:I,m headed to the local track for some T&T 11am-4pm.I just replaced an oil pan gasket in the 66 Dart and need to check for leaks after a pass.(more crankcase pressure). Funny as I type,TV show on(Highway to Sell) and there redoing a 66 Barracuda.LOL:burnout:

Hey Scott. What kind of a vacuum system do you run on your stroker?
Good morning Ray Sr. , looks like rain will be hitting my roof in about an hour here on the hill , You ?
May the hair on a dry camels back be with you Mike :D

never heard that. Sounds like a good thing?
I dont suppose wet camel hair smells good. :wack:
The only camel one i know is " may the fleas of a thousand camels find your tent". LOL

Good morning all.

Ive started getting ready for Carlisle also. Between now and then i will go through everything and try to get a list of anything I need. Otherwise i get there and just stare and drool. Then come home with parts that dont quite fit. LOL. Only going Friday and i know its impossible to cover everything in a day, so i'll try to plan a little and stay focused.
Boy the first sips of hot coffee taste good and wake up the brain cells. Full moon had me waking up at 3:30 so I took half a little orange pill and I'm still groggy!

While I was waiting to drowse off again, I read what the planets have in store for us in July. They say "go with the flow" this month because progress will not happen as fast as you want it to. But get yourself prepared, look inside yourself for what you really want in life. Be alert to unexpected opportunities, a chance encounter, or a minor acquaintance that may factor big in your future.

Things are changing, but it's "in progress," use this time to communicate with people (avoid childish reactions) and work on yourself.

Good advice even if you believe the zodiac stuff is hogwash....

Oh, Happy Canada Day to our great Canadian brothers and sisters!
Oh happy Canada day to you all. Andgoodmorning. One more day here in the land of no darkness. I will check back when I get home Friday
Good Morning All. I see that Tike has checked in from the land of the Eskimo.
One week Mitch.. You got that trailer packed?
Woke up last night thinkin about it. Worse than a kid waiting for Christmas. LOL
Working on it this week. Getting organized. Took no side jobs this week. Kinda nice. LOL