Stop in for a cup of coffee

oh no you didn't - "I want it now" - really!!?? waaaaaaaaaa.... y'all know I deal with hungry people for a living, and they want what they want, when they want it, and even at the price they want to pay. Someone asked if we had a less-expensive menu....LMAO!
the "I want it now" thing was a running joke between a bunch of my friends - several of them worked in the auto repair business, a couple in the food service field (bar tending and waiting) and a few others in store retail, carpentry etc etc - we'd all get together on weekends and compare horror stories of ill mannered customers - which is where the "I want it now" joke came from - is my car ready, is my car ready, IS MY CAR READY!?? --- well no sir, the tires still aren't on the wheels... but I want it now!!! - - yea, that kinda sh*t
the "I want it now" thing was a running joke between a bunch of my friends - several of them worked in the auto repair business, a couple in the food service field (bar tending and waiting) and a few others in store retail, carpentry etc etc - we'd all get together on weekends and compare horror stories of ill mannered customers - which is where the "I want it now" joke came from - is my car ready, is my car ready, IS MY CAR READY!?? --- well no sir, the tires still aren't on the wheels... but I want it now!!! - - yea, that kinda sh*t
A hooker friend of mine has the same complaints!!
the "I want it now" thing was a running joke between a bunch of my friends - several of them worked in the auto repair business, a couple in the food service field (bar tending and waiting) and a few others in store retail, carpentry etc etc - we'd all get together on weekends and compare horror stories of ill mannered customers - which is where the "I want it now" joke came from - is my car ready, is my car ready, IS MY CAR READY!?? --- well no sir, the tires still aren't on the wheels... but I want it now!!! - - yea, that kinda sh*t
I was a service advisor at the Buick store for 12 years b/4 selling tools. I could write a book. Lol
the "I want it now" thing was a running joke between a bunch of my friends - several of them worked in the auto repair business, a couple in the food service field (bar tending and waiting) and a few others in store retail, carpentry etc etc - we'd all get together on weekends and compare horror stories of ill mannered customers - which is where the "I want it now" joke came from - is my car ready, is my car ready, IS MY CAR READY!?? --- well no sir, the tires still aren't on the wheels... but I want it now!!! - - yea, that kinda sh*t

Is my car done my girlfriend has a pap smear appointment! :wtf:
So many times, the customer causes the thing they are complaining about..."the meal took forever..." Well, you were late for your reservation, so now other tables have arrived that we have to serve too, You kept the server standing there waiting for you to finish your small-talk conversations with each other, you didn't know what you wanted to drink, you asked a lot of questions, you had allergies we had to fill out a special sheet (not actually allergic, just don't like something,) you left the table when we about to serve the entrees, you forgot to say you didn't want sour cream on your loaded potato......oh, we should have told you that we want separate checks, but I'd like to pay for all the drinks on a separate card....I have this gift card, I don't know what the value of it is...(it has a balance on it of $5.72....)
So many times, the customer causes the thing they are complaining about..."the meal took forever..." Well, you were late for your reservation, so now other tables have arrived that we have to serve too, You kept the server standing there waiting for you to finish your small-talk conversations with each other, you didn't know what you wanted to drink, you asked a lot of questions, you had allergies we had to fill out a special sheet (not actually allergic, just don't like something,) you left the table when we about to serve the entrees, you forgot to say you didn't want sour cream on your loaded potato......oh, we should have told you that we want separate checks, but I'd like to pay for all the drinks on a separate card....I have this gift card, I don't know what the value of it is...(it has a balance on it of $5.72....)
don't you people know who I am!!!??
oh ya that's right Mike, on the reservation notes it says, "friends of (the owner of the resort.)
Just saw a sick mist green 68 cuda fastback on my smoke break drive past me in my work's parking lot. Heard a rumble and looked up, thing was purty. In Santa Clara, wonder if he's on here and works where I do haha.
Just saw a sick mist green 68 cuda fastback on my smoke break drive past me in my work's parking lot. Heard a rumble and looked up, thing was purty. In Santa Clara, wonder if he's on here and works where I do haha.
oh - well now you're just going to have to keep an eye out for it... you can work anytime, a glimpse of that car will be fleeting :D
oh - well now you're just going to have to keep an eye out for it... you can work anytime, a glimpse of that car will be fleeting :D
Almost wanted to run up to the car and say hey, but realized how awkward that would that be. Maybe I just haven't hit that age yet where you stop caring haha.
Không có nhiều kiểu tóc tại Việt Nam, tôi đã tìm thấy một cô gái đất nước tốt đẹp.
Không có nhiều kiểu tóc tại Việt Nam, tôi đã tìm thấy một cô gái đất nước tốt đẹp.
Phụ nữ tốt đẹp cho một người bạn. Không hiển thị vợ của bạn. Haha!
Phụ nữ tốt đẹp cho một người bạn. Không hiển thị vợ của bạn. Haha!
Chỉ là một người bạn !! Cháu Buddy tôi.

Just a niece of my Buddy Alex.

Much of the time, translation is not correct....!!
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Do tell! Oh Great Master of Baiting :D

Chris may be the Master of Baiting but this site is full of Master debaters!

there were going to, but they saw you coming

I was going to join the debate team, but someone talked me out of it....

Haha fuckers.

No, I called this morning to double check the ticket prices and asked about prices for kids, since today was set up day, they told me due to the vehicle moving around and such that kids weren't allowed in, which must be a change because I took my daughter last year on set up day,