stuck torsion bars



Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Geneva, IL
I'm trying to swap torsion bars in my 70 Dart. I figured i could try the hard way. Then I ended up buying a torsion bar remover. But still the thing wont budge. I've soaked it in penetrating lube. Is there something I'm doing wrong? If anyone could give me some helpful info or tips it would be much appreciated.
I'm not trying to be a wise guy, but did you remember to remove the retaining ring back there at the cross member? I only say that because I don't know you or your level of experience.

Don't forget thats been in there for awhile and sometimes you have to pound till you can't pound no more.

The ones in my 71 Demon were stuck perty good and had to go to the 10lb. hammer and swing at the tool good.

infact tool started to mushroom from the beating it took but then it poped.
Mine were stuck pretty bad as well. I wound up buying new ones, so if you don't want to reuse them just cut it with a cutoff wheel and drive it out
Check for the clip in the back, it's usually pretty crudded up and can be hard to see/feel. Also remove the tension/height adjustment thing so the lca can hang all the way down. Next loosen the nut on the lower control arm (in front on the pivot shaft) and then pry between the lca and the kframe, this will push everything back, then hammer the lca towards the front of the car, this will loosen the t-bar from the lca.

Yeah I had to pound the heck out of mine, after I got em out I noticed they were pretty bent. If replacing them, save the boot and clip and cut em in half, then drive em out. The tensioner is probably gonna give you fits too.
Remember to grease all inside the boot before you put them back in.
I have had to remove stubborn t-bars. But I did it a little different. By going all the way from the control arm, as in putting a board across the lca after removing the nut, from the strut rod and lca pivot. And I could get a much harder and straighter line hit on it that way without worrying about hurting the t-bar.
What I do when I have this problem is remove the nut from the front of the control arm and using a tie rod seperator tool betweem the control arm and the K member I force the control arm back by hitting the tool upward between the K and control arm . You can really whack it this way and it WILL come loose.