


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Got a phone call from a former co-worker today. Have not spoken to him since I "retired" from the Post Office in 08. He was calling to tell me that another former co-worker, Rod, committed suicide on Monday. Rod has been battling back troubles for 20 years or so. In his younger days, he was 59 when he took his life, he was a body builder that chose the steroid route. He went out on disability from the PO due to his back problems. He had several surgeries, last one being fusion. Our last conversation we had he told me that the surgeon fused the wrong area of his back. The area that was fused was going to need to be addressed at some point, just not yet. This did not really help Rod with the pain. He no doubt was an addict as he normally would grind the pain killers and mix them in with some coke claiming this helped with the pain relief. Brian spoke directly with Rods wife the day he killed himself. He just had his percocet script filled. Went home & while his wife was at work swallowed the entire bottle. His wife said that Rod had grown more paranoid over the last few years and that he thought he was being followed by Social Security. He was fearful that they were going to lock him up for Disability fraud....
Geez Doug, you're just full of great news tonight ain't ya. Sorry to hear about your friend Doug just don't you go taking it to heart ya hear.:coffee2:
Sorry to hear,my condolances.Addiction can absolutely destroy .all social functions of a human being
Wow sorry to hear Doug, in my opinion every person has their "vice/addiction" and IMO the steroids even though it was a while ago, just led to worse things. Obviously his back problems and the doctors malpractice played a contributing role.
So sorry for your loss. I am not meaning to offend anyone but i have had so much, news on people passing away this week. It is taking its toll on me, thought i dont know these people personally its still the fact of it. And a friend of mines friend who was in a really bad ATV crash who flat lined and was on life support has made a quick recovery and its out of the ICU, its is some good news to hear.
Very sad, try not to dwell on it, he's gone from this world but you are still here to enjoy life.
Hey Doug! I hope you are allright through all this. Be aware that oxy drugs can be a depressant for some. I did not like them after a while and this is one of many reasons I switched meds.
As some know I just had another back surgery on Jan 4th I was given a script for oxy but chose not to fill it..looks like the surgery is a success and I have had chronic pain for years! but as far as meds go I will wean myself off asap as I hope to not need them anymore.
I am sorry for the loss but I do understand
Once a mans strength and well being is compromised for a long period of time they lose friends and all that they loved, Up to a point of being helpless and that's a BIG blow to the male ego! I too had a malpractice type issue and it was a long ride, being told its was in my head by a mediocre Dr that was proven wrong later.
Docs make mistakes too and leave many victimized.I may be one of the lucky ones..I just have to live with titanium in my back and a little less mobility but my strength is already coming back although I am told the numbness in my foot has been there too long and I can live with it not getting better!
chronic pain is the MONSTER that never sleeps!
Sorry to hear this.
There's probably nothing more emasculating than chronic pain.
I live with it every day, but i refuse to give up.
But then again, i don't take a lot of pain killers because i know the side effects.
Take care Doug.
Sorry to hear Doug.I know its hard losing friends. Very sorry for everyone this affects. Suicide hurts far more people than a natural passing.
Sorry to hear Doug. You can still call ME...I'll be your friend,... anytime...I'm here.
Doug, I know how your friend felt and understand how he could get to that point but it doesn't make it easy. It is important that a friends don't let friends fall off the radar when they are injured and their quality of life sucks. They get the feeling that they are useless and life just isn't worth living. Addiction to pain killers only make their frame of mind worse.
Doug, I know how your friend felt and understand how he could get to that point but it doesn't make it easy. It is important that a friends don't let friends fall off the radar when they are injured and their quality of life sucks. They get the feeling that they are useless and life just isn't worth living. Addiction to pain killers only make their frame of mind worse.

Doug, This is an easy downward spiral to get into. First you get hurt and in pain and lose contact with your friends. Your meds get to be your best friend so to speak because they get you out of your pain and you don't notice your friends you had at work just kind of moved on. You have lots and lots of awake time to think about things and you start to think you are a taker and a loser. Months and months go by and you hit rock bottom. Even if your better you don't want to leave the house to be judged. Oh yes along the way you lost your job and your health insurance and most your friends and your self respect. It is just a shame this happens to some people...Prayers for friend and to help you with your loss.
Doug, This is an easy downward spiral to get into. First you get hurt and in pain and lose contact with your friends. Your meds get to be your best friend so to speak because they get you out of your pain and you don't notice your friends you had at work just kind of moved on. You have lots and lots of awake time to think about things and you start to think you are a taker and a loser. Months and months go by and you hit rock bottom. Even if your better you don't want to leave the house to be judged. Oh yes along the way you lost your job and your health insurance and most your friends and your self respect. It is just a shame this happens to some people...Prayers for friend and to help you with your loss.

You got that accurate.
Sorry to hear Doug.I know its hard losing friends. Very sorry for everyone this affects. Suicide hurts far more people than a natural passing.

When folks kill themselves, they forget about who they leave behind and the sadness it can cause. I don't care who you are, chances are, some people do love you.

Yeah I try to stay away from pain meds, oh it works when needed but the side effects, ugh

Here in Mich for chronic pain we can get medical pot. Yeah another drug and not everybody likes getting buzzed-high but least another option is out there for some. The smoke thou can't be healthy for you but then you can cook with it.

We got got one body for the rest of our life. It matters more then your car, your date for tonight, etc. I sure abused my body at times, something all the abuse it can take and recover from.

Doctors, ah, yeah they can do a world of good but they also can mess things up badly. Misdiagnose your illness must top the list. People also need to be open and honest with their doctors, look at this young lady who lost her arm, shoulders and breasts cause she didn't come clean at first and then it was too late to stop the infection
When folks kill themselves, they forget about who they leave behind and the sadness it can cause. I don't care who you are, chances are, some people do love you.

Yeah I try to stay away from pain meds, oh it works when needed but the side effects, ugh

Here in Mich for chronic pain we can get medical pot. Yeah another drug and not everybody likes getting buzzed-high but least another option is out there for some. The smoke thou can't be healthy for you but then you can cook with it.

We got got one body for the rest of our life. It matters more then your car, your date for tonight, etc. I sure abused my body at times, something all the abuse it can take and recover from.

Doctors, ah, yeah they can do a world of good but they also can mess things up badly. Misdiagnose your illness must top the list. People also need to be open and honest with their doctors, look at this young lady who lost her arm, shoulders and breasts cause she didn't come clean at first and then it was too late to stop the infection
The above article is disturbing...Rod & I had several discussions over the years about suicide. When I told him that at one point I had a loaded .357 in my mouth & pulled the trigger (so thankful now that it misfired) he did speak to me for a few weeks. At one point we did admit to me that on more than one occasion he did look at his 1911 and think about it. Rod, as long as I have known him, was not a very happy guy. He had at least 2 affairs that I know of, yet would not leave his wife because of financial issues. At one point he was getting wheeled out of work in a wheelchair at least once every other week. I am happy for him that he is finally pain free, but very shocked that he killed himself. Pain is indeed an evil thing. The only thing any med, whether it be pot, oxy or anything else does is treat the symptoms, not the problem. It is a shame when we get to a point that without the pain meds just doing the day to day things that life demands become very difficult. I am to that point now, if my doc were to stop the pain meds I would be screwed. I did find an email address to contact his wife at. Not sure what I am going to say as she was one of my supervisors for a while and was at one of the darkest times in my life and we bumped heads more times than I care to tell. I talked to my wife about this & she said she would take care of it. I am going to try and send her my well wishes as well, just don't know what to say.......