
In that case, self defense you had to i guess its ok. But your audience here is young people and grown men and when you post fingers and asses I for one think youre acting like a punk kid. Search my posts and see how many times i,ve used the finger. Remember respect as a man is earned.Sometimes its better to look at your posts and figure what people will see in it and then post if you think its ok. there have been a few times i wish i had looked and reconsidered and im 51. Sometimes spur of the moment isnt good judgement.Someone on here said its post quality not quantity to you. i think you should think about that.Dont take this as harsh criticism but more as someone older showing you the ropes.

I agree with you there DD. It was more his post that I was talking about too. I am 5.5 110 pounds. Dodging bullys in school was part of my every day life. This one guy would not leave me alone. One day he was in my face saying come on lets go right here right now..... Next thing I know his face is bleeding and I was suspended. Hey it happens. But that was the last fight I was ever in. I took the punishment, thought about what had happened and learned some thing from it.
Sounds like we both got into a little trouble today. SSome kid slapped me in the face today and I put him on his a** in the hall. I never threw a punch (I'm a senior and it's not worth getting into real trouble at this point), just knocked him down and told him not to touch me. I got outa detention at 4....

I'm not one to start things, but I sure wasn't going to ignore being hit in the face. Either way... sometimes there is a reason to act out and sometimes you just need to walk... learning which decision is the right one at the time gets kinda hard... but this is the closest to a fight I have gotten into throughout high school. Sure did surprise some of the people around me though... I'm usually a quiet kid. Honestly, if he hadn't of hit me (he could have bumped me and I wouldnt have cared) I wouldn't have touched him, but oh well... stuff happens. He saw me in the hallway later and appoligized.
I'm not a very big guy and back in high school I was just a little skinny geeky kid. In 9th grade I had a shop class that was packed with seniors of the "wrong crowd". They would always pick on me and push me around, the usual bullying. One day they ganged up on me and gave me a wedgie so bad they were lifting me off the ground. Well, I had had enough. The guy who had ahold of my jockeys got a real surprise when I got my feet back on the ground. I grabbed up a 3" long piece of 3/4" round bar that was laying on the table in my fist and swung around with a haymaker that nearly broke his jaw. Knocked out three teeth and lots of blood. The shop teacher saw what was happening and sent him to the nurse and told me that I was in the right for defending myself. I probably weighed 100lbs soaking wet and this guy was at least twice my size. He was gone from school for two days, i sent him to the hospital. When he came back he and his buddies apologized to me and I never had another problem with them ever and they even defended me on a couple other occasions. Sometimes you just have to fight back and put a bully in his place. I'm not saying that its good to have a short fuse or pick a fight, just that every man has the point where they have had enough. And you have to think like a man about these type of situations and not like a kid.
i got suspended 5 times in high school, once was for something really stupid but the rest was for fighting...lets just say that in my area the demographics made me the minority, which meant alot of guys trying to pick on me, fronting that they are tougher than me (with 10 guys behind them of course) and thinking i was just going to take it...well they got that wrong every time...beat the snot out of everyone of them, and had a reputation for not proud of being a "fighter" so to speak, but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes...when people are calling you names and pushing you a couple times, its your turn to lay the smack down since up to that point you were being good about mom would always get ticked at me even though i never started it, but my dad always said "make sure they dont get up when your finished"...atleast this kid and maybe some others know not to mess with you...have fun at home! leanr some mopar stuff or get ahead on homework! hope your not in deep trouble from your parents lol
These are stories to learn from... But now I have to write an apology letter to my vice principal and the other kid.. Because I was defending myself. Makes sense doesn't it???
These are stories to learn from... But now I have to write an apology letter to my vice principal and the other kid.. Because I was defending myself. Makes sense doesn't it???
You done good kid, but it's a liberal world now. Sad to say.
Good Luck.

I too was the bigest in my class and was constently challenged by the "Tough guys" because I didn't like to fight. Finally I got fed up and cleaned a guys clock and put him in the hospital, cost me 2 week suspension, 1200 doctor fees, and I was grounded for a month not counting taking all of high school to pay my dad back. From that time on nobody messed with me again all the rest of school
I'm not saying I did the right thing but I turned the other cheek as long as I could. Next time try a little more control, discretion is the better part of valor.
I too was the bigest in my class and was constently challenged by the "Tough guys" because I didn't like to fight. Finally I got fed up and cleaned a guys clock and put him in the hospital, cost me 2 week suspension, 1200 doctor fees, and I was grounded for a month not counting taking all of high school to pay my dad back. From that time on nobody messed with me again all the rest of school
I'm not saying I did the right thing but I turned the other cheek as long as I could. Next time try a little more control, discretion is the better part of valor.

Finally I get a story that is almost identical to mine... Thank you for sharing Vic storm
just hope you don't run into someone that is cursed with bi-polar, especially if this individual is like me, somebody who blacks out when they get aggravated, it is not something most people want to tangle with. i have thrown tables at people, had my hands wrapped around there throats, hell, I have even bitten a few people. i have read what others have said about defending yourself, but if you don't know the other person tread probably do not want to be on the recieving end of what someone in a rage driven black out might do...
These are stories to learn from... But now I have to write an apology letter to my vice principal and the other kid.. Because I was defending myself. Makes sense doesn't it???

Apology? What kind of a pussy world are we living in?

Ok.... here we go.....

Dear Mr. Vice Principal,
Too bad you're such a dick head with your head shoved so far up your @$$ that you don't know right from wrong. :-D In your warped and twisted mind, it is wrong to defend myself and instead I should take $#!+ from my fellow classmates. :toothy10: The only thing I'll apologize for, is that your momma didn't slap you upside your head hard enough when you were a kid. :thebirdm:


P.S. Hey I feel much better now.:bootysha:
Apology? What kind of a pussy world are we living in?

Ok.... here we go.....

Dear Mr. Vice Principal,
Too bad you're such a dick head with your head shoved so far up your @$$ that you don't know right from wrong. :-D In your warped and twisted mind, it is wrong to defend myself and instead I should take $#!+ from my fellow classmates. :toothy10: The only thing I'll apologize for, is that your momma didn't slap you upside your head hard enough when you were a kid. :thebirdm:


P.S. Hey I feel much better now.:bootysha:
that made me feel better too....:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
Apology? What kind of a pussy world are we living in?

Ok.... here we go.....

Dear Mr. Vice Principal,
Too bad you're such a dick head with your head shoved so far up your @$$ that you don't know right from wrong. :-D In your warped and twisted mind, it is wrong to defend myself and instead I should take $#!+ from my fellow classmates. :toothy10: The only thing I'll apologize for, is that your momma didn't slap you upside your head hard enough when you were a kid. :thebirdm:


P.S. Hey I feel much better now.:bootysha:

rofl :toothy10:
It better that you're learning this now, some people never grow up. It's a different world now, you can't resort to violence without getting in trouble. What you did was let the other guy control your actions. When you walk away, you're the one who is in control. That guy's taunting can only bother you if you allow it to. I got teased a lot but I learned to ignore it.
Way back when I was in High School in 1976 I was a pretty big kid
Now mind you things were quite different back then, I went to one of our football games with a buddy of mine and he went to the restroom . I was sitting there watching the game and heard a comotion coming from the rest rooms , Three guys were beating the crap out of my freind. I ran in and by the time it was over the three guys weren't able to walk out on their own. I never considered myself to be a violent person but when you get caught up in something like that I guess adreniline take over and you kind of get super strenghts . There were witnesses to the whole ordeal and no charges were filed against me or my freind.
If this happened in todays time we would have been slapped with assault charges and had to pay for all the jerks hostpital bills .

I guess what I am trying to say is you really have to try to keep your cool and turn the other cheek when possible but when you get backed into a corner or as in my freind's case. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Just hope there is witnesses.

Apology? What kind of a pussy world are we living in?

Ok.... here we go.....

Dear Mr. Vice Principal,
Too bad you're such a dick head with your head shoved so far up your @$$ that you don't know right from wrong. :-D In your warped and twisted mind, it is wrong to defend myself and instead I should take $#!+ from my fellow classmates. :toothy10: The only thing I'll apologize for, is that your momma didn't slap you upside your head hard enough when you were a kid. :thebirdm:


P.S. Hey I feel much better now.:bootysha:


Too bad you couldn't really turn that one in. Pretty darn funny though.

I think you did the right thing. I am not a "turn the cheek kind of person". People SHOULD stand up for themselves.
Here is how I see it. YOU didn't start it. HE verbally attacked you and when that didn't work, he PHYSICALLY attacked you!! You defended yourself without throwing a punch, AND when he was down you didn't kick the holy crap out of him (which he probably deserved)

Job well done!!! :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

Now you gotta take your medicine for doing the right thing. It's like that when when your older sometimes. 8)

I would refuse to apologize and I would turn that one in! It sounds like your vice principal has lead a very sheltered life and doesn't know how the world works.

JR, man you slay me :lol:
"Oh no I just got punched in the face and instead of learning a lesson and not being a stupid jack *** that deserves it I'm going to cry and sue."

X 100 to the thread and the refusal to apologize.
In my house growing up my dad used to say things like "If you're going to be stupid, you'd better be tough". The dude that was mouthing off would have been popped I would have gotten "in school suspension (It's like separation from the general population). My dad says "Did you win?" and "what was the schools punishment?" the dad of the kid that mouthed off would have said "Well, That's your punishment for mouthing off. End of story.
(not that ANY of that ever happened....)

Tell the principal that you believe that punishments have been levied for the indiscretion of both parties and that should be that. He got clobbered, you got suspended.....If he thinks you need to apologize to learn your lesson, then ask him what the suspension is for. They hate it when you use logic :)
It's like getting pulled over for speeding. I'll take the ticket OR the lecture...not BOTH.

Sorry, I've been back and forth in my head on this topic and thoroughly understand the need to know when to do what, but the apology thing really?
Refuse to apologize, even if you get another suspension for it...Tell the principal that you FULLY understand the consequences and have chosen to stand by your beliefs. If he still punishes you for it, agree to disagree ( politely ) and thank him for showing you his true character. He'll then understand that you have thought about it, can calmly have a discussion, and maybe he'll reevaluate how he deals with you in the future.
I wrote the apology and ALMOST gave it to him until he said it was 95% my fault... So I crumpled up the apology and swishes it into the garbage in front of him.. Then told me to get out of his office!! I guess I'm not suspended anymore

now I'm kinda laughing at it because I was aost a pu$$y today