Tapered axles



8 3/4 Hoarder
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
I've got several tapered B body axles laying around and have no use for them. A couple have damaged threads and would need to be welded, turned and re-threaded to save them.I could do it, but it seems to be a waste of time. I recall seeing a couple threads where members were talking about a "set-up" tool that could be made from old axles. Could anyone give me some details on what would be desirable in such a tool? Such as length and drive options (I.E hex or T-handle) or any other useful tips. I hate to scrap them if I can build something useful from them.
Also what would be a reasonable price to ask for such a devise?
I don't mind doing the work, it'll keep my face out of my phone during my lunch break....lol
Thanks guys!
Old axles can come in handy assembling sure grip units. You use them to line everything up as you are assembling them.
<<<this guy has never assembled a SG :)
So cutting the splined end off at about 12"- 18"or so would be good? No handle or drive features? I was thinking it would need a way to manipulate the splines back and forth.
Thanks for the input RRR
I never cut them off. That's too much like work.
They lean in the corner real good. And I wont ship one.....so........I don't cut them off. lol