Ten years today...



Gratis persona
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Prattsburgh, NY
I was at work when Sarah called me to tell me we were pregnant. It was around 2 in the afternoon. I was floating on cloud nine for the rest of the day. I had a Ranger on the rack, pulling the frame. Not much got done on that truck for the rest of the day. I was gonna be a daddy!

On February 11th, 2003, Katherine Carr was born. And died.

My only child.

I remember that day as if it was yesterday. The sights, the sounds, still fresh in my memory.

I was at the church cleaning the sidewalks off when my sister tracked me down. Something was wrong with Sarah and the baby. My pastor and I climbed in my truck and drove to the apartment. I tried to calm Sarah as she was crying, "I don't want to lose my baby!" The pastor made the 911 call.

The ER doctor tried heroically to save Katie. He has forever earned my respect and my gratitude for the efforts he made. But it wasn't enough. Katie's cord prolapsed and she suffocated in the womb.

Sarah delivered Katie just hours later, after being induced. The hospital kept us overnight for monitoring, giving us a private room and wheeling in another bed for me to spend the night.

Katie's funeral was the following weekend. I had just lost my job and Sarah had lost her's shortly before Christmas. The funeral home director donated all his time and only charged us for what he had to pay for: the casket, the plot, the obituary. Sarah's dad helped us out and paid for it.

Katie's casket looked like a little bassinet. It came with a little teddy bear that sits on my TV stand, along with a blanket the ladies' auxiliary from the hospital had made for her. With it sits her baby book. Not much in it, except the little foot and hand prints, her length, her weight and her death certificate.

I have pics in 35mm from a disposable camera the hospital gave us. Sarah and I both holding Katie, dressing her in her gown. A few weeks ago I finally took those the camera shop around the corner to get them digitized so that I can make copies to give to family, so that if something happens to my originals, the copies will live on.

Sarah wanted a plot in the cemetery with a view, hopefully near a tree. I chose one that sits on a hilltop overlooking the valley under a huge oak tree.

On her headstone is a little lamb, looking off into the distance. Besides her name it has the title of a song: "Home Free."

Now, Sarah's body lays next to Katie's, under the same tree, sharing the same view.

For all the years of trying again, praying for another child, Sarah's spirit is now dancing with Katie, bathed in the Glorious Light and Love that is in the presence of our Lord. They're both happy now. Sarah has what she always wanted: a child. Her first one.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6l1kpJ0x5k"]Wayne Watson - Home Free - YouTube[/ame]
Tears rolling down my cheeks....so sorry Robert, but in a way your story has a happy ending, those 2 angels are together again.....
i am very familiar with that song, the writer/performer, and the event in his life that prompted him to write the song ..
you have my thoughts and prayers today .. and you sound as if you have a great witness and testimony ..

God bless you ..
Sarah ,Katie,and you Robert are in my Heart. I will be praying and thinking of you
all day today. I shed a tear in reading this, but a tear of faith.
Robert ,You are such a beautiful,good and strong person at heart.
Thank you for sharing and keeping us strong.
God bless you.

My hart skipping a couple beets Robert, You are a strong and giving person that has angels looking over you. :angel8::angel8:
Very sad but also inspiring story. I am sure that god had a plan for your girls. Just remember the day will come when you will hold them both in your arms again.
You've been thru some huge losses as a young man that most of us can't even fathom. Sarah and Katie are together now and at peace. Their spirit will always be with you.

Our heart's go out to you, Rick & Linda
im so sorry for your loss. but happiness can be found in know they are both looking down from heaven at you and watching over you everyday .stories like yours make me thank god every day for my daughter and wife .
Tears welled up in my eyes reading this. I can only imagine your pain. Beautiful tribute.
My Condolences Robert this really brought a tear to my eyes.
So sorry for your loss, I can't imagine the pain of that moment......... I just hugged both my sons and told them that I love them. You're in our prayers...
If that which does not kill one makes one stronger, you are one of the strongest people I have encountered. Sorry to hear of your losses, but cheerful to hear of your wife and child reunited. Very bittersweet. God bless you brother.:prayer:
Folks, you don't know what this outpouring of support means to me.

And that's what I've come to value about FABO.

The community on which it's based. Some of us here have met, some of us haven't. It's a community centered around a hobby, but also a community centered around the people who make up that community.

I've come to learn that over the past year as I've had the honor and blessing to be able to sit down with some of you, chat with some others on the phone, connect with others still through PM or emails.

It seems that when one of us suffers a loss there are those on here who cry along. When one has something to cheer, then others will celebrate, too.

It's my honor and my privilege to be called "friend" by some of you. It's my honor and my privilege to be guided by you as well as provide some meager guidance when I have it to those would call me "friend."

In the long run, it's our love for our cars that collects us together as a hobby, but it's our outreach that brings us together.

That's something I hope FABO doesn't lose.
God bless you my friend. As I sit here and read your words, your strength and willingness to put all of this into words is an inspiration to me. I'm deeply touched by your faith and willingness to share. God truly is the great healer and He is always with us!
I can't add to what has been said already. Except maybe that our door is open to you whenever you want.