Thank you to our FABO members.....No replies needed.



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Ladson, Sc
I hate to use site resources for this, but there's no way to contact all of you individually to express what your support has meant to us.

As many know, my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer last November. Well, after surgery in Jan. and 3 months of chemo, today was her first 6mo. check up.

Oncology came back with her blood counts back to normal levels after the chemo, and after review by 2 surgeons and radiology, her scan came back clean. She is now determined to be "cancer free" at this time :mrgreen:. We are thrilled!!!

Your support, well wishes, and prayers have meant the world to us while going thru this. So we want to just give you a BIG,


Rick & Linda

That's a great feeling Rick! My wife is coming up on 7 years cancer free. Congrats and our hopes for your wife of many more years of health!
Awesome, I just lost my father to brain cancer, it's really great when I hear of people beating any form of cancer. Truly wonderful.
Awesome, I just lost my father to brain cancer, it's really great when I hear of people beating any form of cancer. Truly wonderful.

My condolensces ducter...I cannot imagine your pain... replies needed MY ARSE!! Fan-frickin-tastic!
Congrats, and one for the good guys/gal!!
That's great Rick. No thanks are necessary,you and Linda just have a long and happy life together.
That's great news and hope subsequent testing remains clear!
Go give that beautiful wife of yours a nice big hug for me, and have her return the favor.
"No reply needed" Oh yeah, like we're gonna let THIS slip by.

Awesome news!!! Congratulations.
What fantastic news!!! Congratulations to both of you, and here's wishing you many, many more happy years together! :-D
AMEN!! This is great news this evening :cheers: I was about to lay back and rest my eyes some but now I can't :colors:
Great news, I know how she must feel.
I just had my 10 year check up... and they have officially, now consider me cured. Keep the faith !!
