The $5,800.00 mistake

My sincere hope it that you can get your car repaired the way it was before the scratch event happened. I also hope that you win all the trophy's you want and that you enjoy your car the way you want to. What caused my response was in the way you came across to members who gave you suggestions. It did come off as arrogance and bragging in my opinion and some others also thought the same. I can empathize with your situation. You have a great deal of work, money and time invested and should be proud of what you have. By the way I have a very good job and enjoy the back and forth bantor on occasion. Hate is such a strong word to use! I don't hate you I have never met you! You can call me any name you want it does not phase me one bit. Just know your name calling only projects your true self.

God Bless you and your car,
John D. Beckerley

I actually think that 'hater' was aimed at me.. But like you I got a definite impression of arrogance.. I dont know him either, and I dont hate him, or his car or anyone else for that matter.. truthfully I think the car looks awsome.. I have said that before.. I do believe I commented on it in another thread.. but thats neither here nor there. And like you name calling doesnt bother me... I never actually called him arrogant, just felt like he was looking down on the rest of us.. Now even though I have a job, I better stop typing and start looking for a better one LMAO ...
Well hell I painted my car in my garage 10 years ago and got best paint at Spring Fling and firat in my class and was even in HOT ROD mag. and I think it would match up pretty close to yours but it is RED. Drove it over 6000 miles on the Power Tour
Nice Barracuda but drive it
I go to shows with MOmoparman and he's not rich or a show off. He has come to my aid many times as he in stated in the re-buttle, to me smacking his sack, I had to jump in, it was hilarious! He's an electrician who used a chunk of his retirement and did some stuff on the side to build his dream car. The place that does his bodywork and a little of mine is known to be pricey, but very, very good. They wanted 15K + to paint mine, I did not go this route but sometimes I wish I did. Cost of living is alittle different everywhere, and who knows what you can get a car painted for now. Trust me Momoparman, is a good dude, his blog was taken out of context, no big deal, this was one of the funniest threads I have seen here in a while. If he wants to spend $$$ on his car, that is fine by me, I rather him do that, then go back to spending money on "Drunken Male Prostitutes".....
don't forget the donkey shows.. :bootysha:


all in good fun.
I go to shows with MOmoparman and he's not rich or a show off. He has come to my aid many times as he in stated in the re-buttle, to me smacking his sack, I had to jump in, it was hilarious! He's an electrician who used a chunk of his retirement and did some stuff on the side to build his dream car. The place that does his bodywork and a little of mine is known to be pricey, but very, very good. They wanted 15K + to paint mine, I did not go this route but sometimes I wish I did. Cost of living is alittle different everywhere, and who knows what you can get a car painted for now. Trust me Momoparman, is a good dude, his blog was taken out of context, no big deal, this was one of the funniest threads I have seen here in a while. If he wants to spend $$$ on his car, that is fine by me, I rather him do that, then go back to spending money on "Drunken Male Prostitutes".....

I think the problem is he asked a question and did not like the answers.Spending your retirement on a show quality paint job is enough to make anybody anal retentive about driving the thing.Seems he should accept the fact that the cars a show queen and deal with the fact its going to cost big money to fix it.This is why you generally see wealthy guys driving cars like this,its not the same to them since they have money,its just a car.
I always shuck my corn first before eating it...all along people have been ridiculing me behind my back!!
I would at least wait a couple months because then at least you can get those new scratches you get done too, cars that get driven get scratched no matter how careful you are

25% of the cars value to fix
.01 percent of the car

that math makes a lot of sense
Wow...this thread was like being at my nephew's soccer game when the 8-10 year old boys are sayin stuff like "my dad is stronger than your dad""" etc...To momoparman, all I can add is that if it makes you happy and content with yourself to spend that kind of money to repair "that small of a scratch" then have-atter... As for me..I bought my 76 Valiant/Dart as you see it for $2900 which included a complete carb to pan 440 spare motor,,just for giggles... Fortunate for me,,I have a kid that needs to go to college, I could not justify spending $5800 on a scratch of that size...But we all have our own lives...Fix it , love it, sleep with it if you want..bottom line,,,it's your car and no-one can tell you what to do with but if you ask for our 2 cents on an open Forum like FABO,,,you will get $1.50 worth and that's the beauty of it.

P.S. I envy all of you guys south of the's still snowin' up here..
I have seen brand new $ 515K McLaren SLRs get worse than than that in their shipping containers and they get fixed at the prep center in 1 day for a whole lot about $ 5300 less. And it you have ever seen the paint job on a SLR or Maybach, you know it ain't no crappy job.
And if they are worried about buffing thru the clear, they must not have put on enough in the 1st place or somebody does not know what they are doing.
I have wet-sanded and buffed my Honda CBR twice and still haven't burned thru.

I have seen brand new $ 515K McLaren SLRs get worse than than that in their shipping containers and they get fixed at the prep center in 1 day for a whole lot about $ 5300 less. And it you have ever seen the paint job on a SLR or Maybach, you know it ain't no crappy job.
And if they are worried about buffing thru the clear, they must not have put on enough in the 1st place or somebody does not know what they are doing.
I have wet-sanded and buffed my Honda CBR twice and still haven't burned thru.

Man, that reminds me of the mclaren SLR I worked on for braves slugger, Andrew Jones.
A week later he told us that a punk at a tire shop took it for a joy ride and totaled it. OOOch!
One more thing...I see that a lot of you are claiming that this should not cost $5800.00 or that a simple blend is the cure.

Of those that have made this claim, how many own a body shop? And I don't mean part time painters....I'm talking about OWNERS and OPERATORS of custom paint and body shops.

Just curious....also whomever claims to be the O/O of a shop....please put the link to your shop here so I can see what you build.

I love to see other shops work.

I dont own or operate. I dont think that's relevant. How many cars have you done or had done to this level? I have friends who own shops and have for years. The car I referenced with the Acura color took 2nd at Carlisle 3 years ago in the same class as that insane crazy bronze Ebody Cuda (72-74 E body modified). That car was done at a shop that does Ferrarris and BMW/Minis almost exclusively. I didnt paint it. I did everything else. And BTW it runs at over 150mph almost every time he gets the chance. Not a trailer queen. I've had a lot of experience in painting myself. Custom mixing, partial repairs and matching old bodywork (including red and painted on stripes) full paint jobs, etc. I'd have pics but they left with the Ex and her PC. So oh well. In any event, I am sure I dont know everything and I'm sure as everyone else you always tend to mistrust a keyboard jocky. So again, oh well. But I know $5800 is a load of salesmanship. At least once it's fixed you'll feel better about it.
My '67 was painted black 2-3 weeks ago. While wet sanding and buffing
one of the edges came thru. Rich immediately stopped and had
Richard wet sand all of the clear coat off and resprayed the "tub"
again and reapplied the clear coat. He did this on his dime, not mine.

I'm guessing that with base/clear coat its very difficult to match
without doing this especially with a color like you have.

Good luck with whatever decision you make.

BTW I like the Rat
$5800 to fix a scratch??? I dont have $5800 in my whole car!!! (but I put a hell of a lot more than 500 miles on it)
You're not the first to do that. When I was reassembling my car after new paint I put a pretty good scratch on top of the fender. It was 2:00 am in the morning should of stopped and called it a night, but slipped and that was it. My neighbor repainted the top of the fender and matched it pretty good ,but my car is white also. Jayson
Go to Kragen and get a paint pen.
Then put $5797.28 in your pocket.
I know a guy who had a 60someodd mustang-99 point show car-in original class
at the shows he wasnt having any fun-too worried about the car

so he tube framed it,caged,big block and went drag racing

alot of ppl he used to know still wont talk to him :)
but he did enjoy the car what you want with the car. spend the dough on the scratch..ur money... i wouldnt be worried about it..touch it car...i'd have more fun driving mine...
The best advice I ever got - "Listen to what others have to say, then do as you damn well please!" Its your car,if the scratch bothers you then fix it. If you want the best job you can get and your insurance covers it than why not? Thats why you pay for insurance. If you ever get to the point that scratches don't bother you let me know and I'll trade cars with you, mine has lots of scratches. I'll be going to the World of Wheels car show in Pittsburgh this weekend. They have some cars there that are amazing. Its guys like you that make these shows so great. I would never be able to own a car like that but I like to look at them. Good luck and have fun.
God help you.....some of you have real issues

Dude, it seems like your the one with issues. Must be that smallpenisitus kicking in.

And in closing...haters, please do not waste your time trying to put me further down as I got what I needed from this thread (good and bad) and am moving on. I don't want the haters wasting any more time typing when they should be out looking for a job.

Ahhhhh, there's the arrogance we've all come to know and hate. :bootysha: :thefinge: :tool: :poke: :finga:

In my last few months working at JDS back in '06, one of the engineers on my product went out and traded his BMW 540i on a $100,000 Porsche. He was a car guy that could appreciate my clapped out Demon and a coworkers terrific '72 Challenger. He appreciated the effort we put into our cars. He never had an attitude and considered himself lucky that he had a good paying job and his wife made even more working in the government.
A week after he had the car, he took us out and showed us all the rock chips he got on the hood from following a big rig. I felt bad for him. But he just shrugged it off and got a touch up kit from the dealer (primer, base and clear). His attitude was basically "what's the point in having the car if I can't get out and enjoy it." Still it was tough looking at the chips in the black paint.

If he wants to spend $$$ on his car, that is fine by me, I rather him do that, then go back to spending money on "Drunken Male Prostitutes".....

That explains it. We know who he really is now - Mr. Lahey from Tailer Park Boys!


First of all, the scratch is on an edge, not in the middle of a panel. Anyone that knows how to touch up correctly can make it look like it was never there. If you pay $5800 to fix that, you are the definition of the word ANAL - lol. Also, if you hit the insurance company up for that kind of money for every scratch you get, you'll be losing coverage, or paying much higher premiums the next time around. Proper paint touchup is an art. I once watched a guy do some touchup on chips in the middle of a hood. When he was done, there was no way you could tell. Take it to somebody that is expert at touchup, (make sure they show you samples), pay a couple hundred bucks, and then forget about it. I highly doubt it will affect your point score.

yea i saw an old timer do that with an amazing RED candy!! right in the middle of a .25 panel, never would have even known!
momopar, why ask for advice when your mind is already made up?? Your first post gave little detail and when asking for opinions you'll get all kinds, even the kind you don't like. Chill

Your rat looks familiar..................Greaserama or HAMB Drags??
After reading the whole thread I don't know whether to chime in or not. First I will say that I have done restorations and custom work for five years as an owner/operater since that seems to qualify me to the OP. No, I don't have a site, I shut down in 2003 when Pop retired and the wife and I lost our daughter. Too much stress, too much work for one man to handle. I will tell you that FABO has made me miss the hell out of it, as it was truly the only time I've been happy with work in my entire adult life. I do have a few pics of a custom paint job that I'll be willing to email the OP since he believes that somehow qualifies me, too.

The arrogance you have displayed to some of the others who suggested blends and touch up makes me wonder if you'll dismiss my statement, even though I have 20 years in paint and body, five years in a manner in which you seem to want quantified.

There is absolutely no friggin' way this shop's way is the only "right" way. What it tells me is that this shop seems to be stuck in a rut as far as doing things and only knows of one way to do things. I don't mean to bad mouth them. Questionably, they are a good shop. But to me they're seeing this as an insurance claim from a company who's willing to pay.

There are techniques and paint materials on the market that would allow for this area to be blended, on the quarter and the door, that wouldn't go beyond 3' feet of the affected area, even with a three stage, using the correct techniques, and you would never have to reach any affected hard tapes lines, even with the clear. You just really need to have to know what you're doing with the gun and the material. Could I do it? Hell, yeah, in a manner I would be willing to stand behind for life against material defects, and customer satisfaction to boot.

The fact that you say the shop says they need to clear the whole car to prevent "burn through" makes me wonder who the hell is running the buffer? How deep is the clear? Three coats of clear and proper usage of the buffer and there's no way in hell you should burn through, even right out to a sharp edge, if you know what you're doing with the tool, the compound, and using the right buffing pads. Or are they worried about burn through with the sandpaper? If that's the case, that's an excuse to seperate someone from his money as there are products on the market to scuff cured clear that don't even require sandpaper which are perfect for this kind of job. And the new clear will stick just as well. I have a few other thoughts on this, which truly, I just backtracked and deleted, as I don't really want to get into a pissing match with a shop I don't know and never heard of. But they aren't good thoughts.

Sorry, dude, they saw money walking in the door, sold you on the "right" way to do it, which is a good salesman's job, and have you believing that's the "only" way to do it. And trust me, some of the jobs I've done and are running around out there I know I'll be the only one to ever touch them, even though I'm not in business anymore, and I'm dreading the day I have to do just this very thing on them. I've always gone into a job with the idea of "this is what I'm doing today, now if this get's damaged five years down the line, I need to be able to take care of it, let's get it straight now how that will be done." Tri-coats, candies, blended clears, custom mixes, all of them logistical nightmares, but absolutely no freakin' reason to paint an entire car again just for one small scratch. And I'm the guy who stood there with the gun in his hand and laid down the original job.