The Old lady left!

Hey Jack,when you came down here it was nice to meet you and your brother but you should have brought your daughter i would much rather have met her! :D :wink:

Does she like Scamp's and Duster's? [-o<
sad to hear, but life goes on.. i would never leave my dog or car nomather what is would cost..
For you, Barracuda340S ;

Thnking about man's life:

When i was 14 i wanted a girlfriend.

In 16, i have a girlfriend but there was something missing in a relationship, i wanted to her be passion and lusty...

When i was 20, i have a passion girlfriend...
But she was too sentimental, everything was a great drama and she threat to kill her self...
I wanted a relationship which is stable and safe...

When i was 25, i found a stable girlfriend but she was boring...
I wanted more exciting girlfriend...

In 30ties i found a exciting girlfriend, she cheated me all the time and did want not to make steady...
I wanted a girlfriend which has a goal in her life, in work and personal life...

When i was 35 i found a girl who has goals in her life, she was smart and going up in a company where she work.
We get married, divorced her after a year, and she takes everything what i got...

Now days i am older and wiser, i'm looking a girl who has a big boobs...

Just to cheer you up if you are feeling little low...
Coyote Jack said:
Sorry Kev, She likes Demons.


I knew i should have bought a Demon! #-o

Beautiful woman only slow down your progress and eat up your
time and cash reserve.
Though they do tend to put a diffrent smile on your face :D
Just got back from a business trip to Texas so she had 3 day's to clean me out :roll: nothing I could do, she wasn't finished moving when I left so I had to let her in the house when I was gone. Now I know I made the right decision to have her leave, she took things that belonged to me like my $500 grill and all my deck furniture. That ticked me off :evil: I got in at 11 p.m. last night so I didn't have a lot of time to search around but I'm sure I'll discover more as I go. I will be getting my grill back and my deck furniture, that crap was just uncalled for. I'll be changing the locks and getting a locking mail box today.
Its the b*tches that will get you. I hope all works out well for you, I guess the phrase is somewhat right, "its cheaper to keep her".
Hey man, I'm sorry to hear this, but it appears as though you're much better off. Glad things are working out and you got to keep the Viper and Barracuda. :D