

Mopars an Heavy Metal
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Burney Ca.
Did anyone else see that sorry *** finish at Pocono?That last 5 lap caution finish that johnson had was just what the little chevy neede cuz Mafield had his *** then the caution came out and the little chevy won!WTF that raced blowed man! :evil: :evil: :evil: :x
I have respect for ALL those drivers, wether there in a chevy, ford or Mopar. It takes great skill to do what they do and they are the best of the best, If they wernt they wouldnt be there.
I my self happen to like Jimmy Johnson, Hell.....Id floor you if you knew who some of my favorite drivers were, Yeah.....most of them drive "poor" chevys.
I liked the race, It gave me one heck of a points jump in my leauge cause of #48, #24, #31 were in the top 10 when the checkerd came out.
Mayfield's car wasnt near fast enough to catch the #48. Johnson had a 1 second lead (1/3 of the track) over the entire field at one point in the race and was walking away. Johnson mearly slacked up to conseve fuel towards the end and only drove fast as needed to stay in front.

What I find to be offensive is the lack of respect that some so called fans give to NASCAR and to the drivers by tossing garbage onto the track. As they said on T.V. those people arent real NASCAR fans, They are inbreed idiots that should be nooterd to stop infesting the gene pool.

On a side note Casey Kahn in the #9 Dodge has got some skills........I mean look at this kid. He will be one to watch for a long time to come.
Just think, Jeff Gordons dad is the one who found Casey and introduced him to Ray Evernham. I think id make Jeffs dad a scout for my team :D
Yep,the end did suck!They should have stopped the race and had a 3lap shootout.Kenseth and Harvick was entertaining.The boy's got to visit the Oval office :lol: :lol: They really need to figure out something different,finishing under caution is lame.Did you see the Jackass throw the cooler out onto the track :shock:
EvilScamp said:
Yep,the end did suck!They should have stopped the race and had a 3lap shootout.Kenseth and Harvick was entertaining.The boy's got to visit the Oval office :lol: :lol: They really need to figure out something different,finishing under caution is lame.Did you see the Jackass throw the cooler out onto the track :shock:

Yeah they got that guy who did that, Id slap a nice healthy fine on him too.

Finishing under caution isnt the most thrilling thing to see I will admit, But they have done it for years and years. Im glad to see that they actualy will red flag the race so it can be a green flag run to the finish before a certain amount of laps are complete. Before they would just let the race go and if it was a yellow flag win oh well, At least now they are trying to improve.