The Shocker does Paris (full vid)


The Shocker

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Sherman Texas
Went over to the track in Paris Texas for a little TNT last night.Its the first time i have ever raced there and although the people there were very friendly the traction was awfull .It was the worst racing conditions i have ever faced.I was spinning atleast 10 feet every pass off the line .Combined with the heat of near 90 and humidity like a swamp it was a challenge.The good news is i finally got the Dart running like it should on the big end.In the past at around 5800 it would start to break up and nose over in the lights.I preloaded the hydraulic lifters a bit more ,jetted it up 2#'s front and back and added a 1 inch open carb spacer.BINGO ,no more breaking up in the lights and it will rev to 6200 nice and clean .Several people told me it was the valve springs causing it and i thought so as well at first,but a guy i know told me that the lifters need to be preloaded instead of set at Zero Lash .I gave it a try and he was right.Here is a vid of my last pass .My best 60' was a 1.60 and im usually in the low to mid 1.5's .You can hear how sharp its running in the lights ,so im happy.I was a full tenth off since the last time i ran it when it was cool and dry air ,but my mph is the same.Im convinced if i get sum ideal conditions im gunna be in the 7.1's ,since i ran mid 7.2's with it nosing over on the big end before .I cant wait for Fall to get here ...[ame=""]YouTube- My early Dart at TNT Paris Texas[/ame]
Why was I expecting something so very different? I was about to either say, "Congratulations" or "Maybe you should go get yourself checked out." ;)

Either way, nice run!
Why was I expecting something so very different? I was about to either say, "Congratulations" or "Maybe you should go get yourself checked out." ;)

Either way, nice run!
Thanks for the compliment on my pass.I thought that would be a catchy title to my thread :toothy10:...