The worst day ive had in recent history..

Dan, That does suck. Take a day and curse, bad mouth the company, your old boss all the 'free' time you sweat and gave. Don't do anything foolish that you will regret many years to come. Then be done with it. Get on with your life, be thankful of your health, family and friends. This is the time to be brutally honest with your wife, fiances and future ambitions. It will work out and you will be stronger. Try to remember material things can be bought and sold - family and friends are forever. At one time I collected too many 'must have' toys and material bullshit. Suffered through a tough family
situation that put a lot of things in better perspective. Tough times brings out the best if you stay positive. I wish you and your family the very best.

I sympathize for you.
Have been laid off myself in the past.
Pulled up stakes in '90 after 17 years and moved a wife and 3 young kids to another town with a brighter future.
It's hard on everyone as you all have to give up friends you saw everyday.
Not too mention relatives!
But you know what happened?
I got back into Mopars after owning a 73 Duster in the 70's.
Now i have a sweet garage and a 71 Demon 340.My youngest boy picked up a 73 Challenger 340.
We have been happy ever since!
Good luck!
Hang in there, man. Look at it not as an ending, but the start of something new. The dealership I worked at laid a bunch of people off. I wasn't one of them, but the guy I was going into business with was. Long story short, we had to get our shop started early, at the worst possible time in the economy. Everything's ok so far, so maybe it was a blessing. Try to keep a good attitude about it, and a little prayer can't hurt. Wish you the best, Neil.
Hey, I work for General Motors. Think I'm worried? Damn right i am. I remember when in the past losing jobs in similar economies peoiple would say "Now's the time to find a better job". I never did believe it, but both times I did find better jobs. Unfortunately unlike our parents, very few of us will ever work a lifetime at only 1 job. Be thankful you got 10 good years. Time to shake the trees.

In the past it wasn't like it is now...there aren't any jobs open to go to. So it seems around here anyways.

That really sucks just before Christmas. Keep the faith and do what you have to do to keep the family housed and fed Dan. Good luck.

Sounds like they didn't want to make it to Christmas because they didn't want to give out any bonuses.... there about broke. I usually get a bonus at Christmas but not expecting one this year.
Sorry about your situation Dan.

Prayers work, and I will send some your way.

Don't count on Obama doing anything for anybody's job other than blowing smoke up the union's asses and raising everyone's taxes.

Socilism helps nobody but the government to get bigger, basic world history 101, sixth grade.

I've had numerous up's and down with jobs over the years and have come to the realization that only two people can ever help you get on your feet, yourself and the good Lord above.
Seems I never talk to him much when things are going good which is why I think he lets us sweat it a bit from time to time so we can spend some time with him.