they found it



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
walnut creek, ca
well saturday, my moms 85 montecarlo ss was stonlen. can you believe they took that when my scamp was next to it. but anyways, i got a call yesterday that it was found in oakland..... suprise suprise. i got it home today. the idiots that stole it managed to smash just about everything but the drivers door. somehow they ripped the tire off the front right wheel, bent the upper control arm at a 90 degree angle and wrapped the front end around a pole. i know its a chevy but it was freaking clean. its such a shame. i dont understand how anyone could do this to a car, especially someone elses. just looking at that thing makes me sad because i have alot of good memories in that car. i wish people would realize that cars are more than just transportation to some people. they are pretty much family. and now i have to send one to the junk yard.
That sucks. I had my Dart stolen once. Lucky enough I got it back will small damage to it. I hope they catch who ever did this.
glad you got it back and can put it behind you.
Now lets start making some new memories. :headbang:
I'm glad you got the car back, but sad that it came back in the condition you describe. Obviously these dirt bags had no respect for themselves or anyone else. Hopefully karma will kick 'em in the nutz.
Sorry man, but we were a little drunk and I hit a curb. Then a pole came flying at me. It was a fun car though, tell your Mom I enjoyed the ride. Sorry about the roach burns on the seat, it wasn't me, it was my the 7 other guys that had piled into the car.

How could I do this to someones elses car? I sure wouldn't want to trash my own car, so I did it to yours instead! I guess you could say I'm self centered, it's probably the booze and drugs doing it to me.
You forgot the bong water stains! :sign5:

No offense slant, I'm welding my ramcharger rear axle while listening to "In the light" by Zepplin. This always gets me rowdy!