This photographer from pittsburgh is awesome



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
Man he shoots some beautiful pictures around town. Last night storm brought him to town once again.

His Facebook post

Lots more storm images to share today, and instead of spreading them out I figured I'd just share them at once in a couple posts. I'll have another one tonight that focuses on the city.

I had two cameras last night; one was focused on the city, a super wide, 12mm field of view, and then the other focused down the Ohio River. Since the storm was coming from that direction I wanted to see if I could capture the bolts as they moved into the city.

They hit everywhere. Neville Island. Brunot Island. The North Shore. Bellevue. Heck, I think one even hit the Mt. Washington hillside (you can see that one in the captions on the images). Again, they were just SO bright; I've never blown out lightning that bad before, but it was so close and so bright it was hard not too.

And since some of you have asked, these are NOT frames from videos. They are actual images, and all of these were shot on a Sony a1. They are 30 second exposures where the lightning (hopefully) hits in frame; last night that was easy to accomplish.

Portfolio - 2024 Eclipse prints
DaveDiCello <--- matted prints and note cards
Portfolio <--- Entire portfolio
DaveDiCello <--- Ornaments, triptychs, coasters
Blog 2 — dave dicello <-- blog <-- YouTube channel


Forecast looked good for a decent sunrise this morning so I headed into the city early. My first couple of spots didn't really work out and I ended up at the incline, which couldn't have been any better.

I originally thought that below the Duquesne Incline, along the banks of the Ohio River, would be a great spot for sunrise. The sun is rising right up the Allegheny River (on the left) from there, but as you can see from this shot, the water was pretty choppy.

I headed down (or dahn) to the West End Bridge but it was the same story. Choppy water and no reflections. So I headed up to Mt. Washington as sunrise was fast approaching to find the incline closed. Crap. Drove a little further down Grandview and ran into my buddy Dustin McGrew Photography. Shot a few frames from there and then decided to check out the incline again.

Luckily this time it was open, and someone rode the incline during the peak of the color. Made for the perfect springtime sunrise.

Portfolio - 2024 Eclipse prints
DaveDiCello <--- matted prints and note cards
Portfolio <--- Entire portfolio
DaveDiCello <--- Ornaments, triptychs, coasters
Blog 2 — dave dicello <-- blog <-- YouTube channel

Jumping back to a few days ago when I shot sunrise by the fountain at Point State Park and a few images that focus on some bridges.

Now, my main goal when I was down there was to capture the reflection of the skyline in the mirror like water of the fountain basin, and then hang out for sunrise. When that first goal was achieved, I spent some time capturing some of the surrounding scenes.

When I was down there I noticed that not only was the fountain smooth, but so was the Ohio River. That's a rarer sight than most, as there is usually marge traffic that makes the water pretty choppy. But I took the opportunity to capture a reflection of the West End Bridge, which turned out pretty cool.

I also turned my camera to the Ft. Pitt Bridge to capture a view of its reflection in the fountain. The water was even smoother there than the river, and the result is darn near a duplicate view of the bridge above.

Portfolio - 2024 Eclipse prints
DaveDiCello <--- matted prints and note cards
Portfolio <--- Entire portfolio
DaveDiCello <--- Ornaments, triptychs, coasters
Blog 2 — dave dicello <-- blog <-- YouTube channel
