Throw some wheels on bro


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
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Sooooo maybe I am missing something but why is it these days, everything is thrown??

"Throw some wheels on it"
"Throw some primer on the top"
"Throw a battery in it"

I realize it's a figure of speech but it just does not sound attractive, just sounds stupid.

What is the obsession of throwing **** around?
Love ya, but this rant makes me want to throw up.

Toss out some expletives next time you're throwing stuff against the wall, and see what sticks.

C'mon Rani, throw us a bone, here. Rant 2/10
Because throwing sounds more manly than tossing? I tend to throw on a shirt and drive to the store. We threw a set of wheels on my ol' 66 a few weeks ago. Literally! The set of 4 only took us 10 min.
Maybe it denotes the ease of which a thing can be done.

Just throw some wheels on it sounds like no problem. Just go and replace the wheels with other wheels sounds like quite some work involved.
If anyone needs to toss something, toss your cookies - AKA 'throw up'. ;-)
My pet peeve lately, everything is "dropped." Now it's apparently mainstream. I'd like to drop something on that expression.
Sooooo maybe I am missing something but why is it these days, everything is thrown??

"Throw some wheels on it"
"Throw some primer on the top"
"Throw a battery in it"

I realize it's a figure of speech but it just does not sound attractive, just sounds stupid.

What is the obsession of throwing **** around?

At my age , I don't throw nothin , takes me longer to do stuff than it should !
I will not throw a car part on anything.

I have thrown broken Chevy parts on the scrap pile before.

Try it sometime, it feels good. :)
Sometimes when diagnosis doesn't make sense, you need to start throwing parts at it until it's fixed. :rofl:
Well, I have to admit, I've always like it when a chick throws it on me.
The modern saying's get me these days too, kid's say that car's sick man! Which is a complement today, back in the day sick was bad.:realcrazy:
After i got that one very hard to access bolt out i threw it across the shop. It wont be a problem ever again.
So is that where the line. Throw me a bone comes from.
I'm always interested in where expressions originated from.

I don't know. I always thought that one came from throwin a dog a bone.
The modern saying's get me these days too, kid's say that car's sick man! Which is a complement today, back in the day sick was bad.:realcrazy:

Reminds me of a bible verse , but cant remember where it`s at.
Something about things being backwards in the last days, things being called BAD that are good------------------
I'm throwing **** all over, all the time. Then the next day I have to go look for it ! LOL
I need to throw these wheels at something...

I threw my only ratchet when I was 16 and got mad trying to put my first set of headers on my Duster. The ratchet came apart and I had to go borrow one to finish the job. Lesson learned.