Too Dang Hot!!!

It's supposed to hit the triple digits today and I have a lot of work to do and no A/C. This is going to suck.

Leanna, I don't know how you do it. That is brutal.
Cudachick - I hope you've got your powder in cold storage, you know it starts to crosslink at 110! We lost a whole truckload (something like 30,000 lbs) a few years back when some yahoo driver decided to park his rig for the 4th of July weekend rather than drive the last 60 miles to make his delivery! When we got it after the weekend, we had 300lb drums of rocks instead of powder!
I have had enough of working 14 hr days in this damn heat. I broke down and took the work van off the road at 12 noon yesterday to have the AC system completely repaired. Cost me $600 + for parts and labor but it is well worth it. Went outside at 8:30 A.M. it was already 84 degrees with humidity of 70%, washed and waxed my wife's Bronco and I have changed my t shirt three times , now I am polishing up the Duster to go to a cruise in this afternoon. I have had enough of this heat already, it is just crazy, you walk outside and instantly walk into a sauna. Damn!!!!!!!
Just finished the yard push mower ,weed eat job and an edge. Drank a cold beer took a cold shower and sitting in the air with a fan on looking at this and still feel like core temps over 100. gonna throw a few bags of ice in the hot tub with the heater off,but now i gotta put a compresser and dryer on the daily driver so i dont fry all week.
I don't know how you guys live with the heat,but then again it goes to a windchill of -50f every winter,and I'm too stupid to move.:-D

I walk inside and the AC is on.

Plus, I NEVER have to shovel snow!
Leanna....close the oven door!!!!

Ken, it was. The inside temp was about 370 (on its way to 425) when I took those pictures. What's funny is that it's extremely well insulated and heavily siliconed so it doesn't leak hardly at all.

Just think, in a few months we'll all be whining about how cold it is and wishing for warm weather so we can play with our cars. :-D
I here ya on the heat thing,its freeking to hot here in canada also.But look at it this way it could be SNOWING,no tire smooking for ya.Just bumd you out.