too funny



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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S/w Houston
Barack Obama, the lead Presidential Democratic Party candidate, is for banning all guns in America . He is considered by those who have dealt with him as a bit more than just a little self-righteous.

At a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas , he asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.
Then he said into the microphone, 'Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence.'
Then, little Richard Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said: ''Well, dumb-***, stop clapping!
Hmmmm....common sense.....I will vote for little Richard Earl for president....
Then quit capping your hands :toothy10: Funny for sure.
i like the add on tv saying . i obama will not take your guns a way. for some reason i take the way he said it as a hey red necks come vote for me . i own guns and i plan on keeping them but , **** . the hole add was about the guns . like thats all that matters . o i get to keep my guns , you got my vote . hell no he dont.