Too Much MoPar on the Brain???



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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I was at a park today walking near the Mississippi river when I found an old broken glass or bottle piece near where kids like to feed the ducks at the waters I picked it up so nobody would get cut cause it looked nasty and sharp.

After I picked it up I looked at the bottom and seen this.....I took it home cause I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.....I don't think I need to tell anybody what the bottom resembles.....I guess MoPar is always on my brain LOL :glasses7:

That's a cool find. I would have brought it home too.
that's funny keith. you should cut it flat where the bottom starts to get rid of the jagged edges and use it as a paper weight. Could even maybe draw a pentastar on it can never have too much Mopar on the brain. I hope to overload my cranial hard drive at the Nats next weekend. I hope I don't lock up and have to re-boot! lol Nice find! I took a photo of my outdoor thermometer one December and it said 27.3. Ok, I'm hooked too. can never have too much Mopar on the brain. I hope to overload my cranial hard drive at the Nats next weekend. I hope I don't lock up and have to re-boot! lol Nice find! I took a photo of my outdoor thermometer one December and it said 27.3. Ok, I'm hooked too.

LOL....lets see it :cheers: I do the same thing with numbers that match up to Mopar stuff :glasses7:
Things go better with Mopar-Cola :)
I want it for a ash tray on my workbench. Just for kicks, You could make a ebay auction on it. We might be surprised what it brings.
I like the night light idea too, but here's another twist: could you somehow mount it in your dash as a shift light? How cool would that be?!?
I have a Bunch of glasses in my bar that have the Same penastar shaped bottom, & if I remember I bought them at 1 of those $1 stores. Went back for more & never seen them again.