torsion bar socket alignment



Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Central PA
When viewed from the side the front torsion bar mounts don't look like there quite in line with the bar, they seem to have a few degrees downward angle on them. Does anyone know if this is the way they should be or do I have problems? The one torsion bar put up a hell of a fight coming out, thats one reason for the question. The other reason is I have a friend who keeps saying the frame is probably bent, because that's what happens to all Mopar convertibles. He started saying that when I first picked it up and the doors, which had both been changed, didn't line up properly, maybe down 1/4'' and I could only get them close on the worn hinges.
I know when I installed my torsion bars they gave a little of a fight but when they go back in just rotate the front piece up with a pair of pliers and it will slide in easy. you did unload the suspension before you tried to pull them right?

I also shot some lube up in there to help with them comming out.

I havent realy talked to any one with a convert so I cant realy help you with the frame problem, but I can tell you this. body men have a habit of fitting panals such as doors by adding and subtracting metal. you also have to remember cars of this time period were not built with computers. so the tolerances are probably off from car to car...meaning the door probably fit the other car perfect but even if your car is strait they might be off. I also can tell you my doors have shims between the hinge and door to make them fit right.
Yes, I sprayed copius(?) amounts of liquid wrench on these and did release the tension. The left side came out without too much of a fight, but on the right I ended up dropping the K and pulling it off the torsion bar. Probably just rust!

I don't really think I have a problem..talked with a frame man today and he said I should/would see evidence of this, whether collision or otherwise. I was thinking a shim would work if readjustment alone didn't. I didn't fool with it a lot but I pretty sure I'll be OK.
As far as being all convertibles, I don't think so or it would have been brought up here before.
