Tough guys?

I would have pulled the gun to... put I can't have a gun cause I more than likely shot'em in the knee caps or something.
Canada huh?
Wow, a two for.
Hillbillies and guns both in Canada.
How rare is that?
But real Hillbillies would know better than to bring a baseball bat to a gunfight.
A gun in the hands of a woman is worth more to her than a cop on the phone.
Coulda been worse for those 'billies, the guy could have been driving a Miata.

(I can say 'billies too even though I'm a yank, my family owns a mountain named after us in TN!)
thats gotta be fake. who videos a felony? I,d a popped a cap about the time they insulted my wife.
Note to self......If they can afford a BMW, they can also afford a pistola....ha, ha.

I was really hoping the driver in the BMW was a freaking, bone crushing jujitsu master, and would get out and twist them both into pretzels while the Wife kicked their faces into ground meat, but okay, I did like their version too.

What stupid, jealous, azzule redneck, never been laid, pieces of crap, mamma's boys would blindly follow someone around like that with absolutely no idea what their target was capable of?

Talk about wealth envy.

Oh well, I just hope they voted for Obama with that attitude, he's perfect for dorks like that.
And THAT is why I never mess with ANYONE driving down the road. You never know what kind of **** storm they're capable of. Those two would have followed me right to the local police station and we would have gotten everything sorted out there!