Tough way not to make 2nd round...



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
won 1st round but at the finish line but hit a seagull at 130. Does anyone know of a good place to get a windshield seal?


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try and save the gasket, new ones are on national back order
Wow......that's all I got....just WOW!!!
damn that sucks, I hit a swarm of grasshoppers @ 160 MPH in an open wheel roadster, had on full face helmet and it was loud
That sucks, Drag racers have all the best excuses. Sorry it happened.
Loved watching you car at Rock Falls.
Man, that seagull must have left early to be out in front of you at the finish line! Bet those wings were flappin' hard.
I just talked to the seagull's mom.
He's ok, just shaken up a bit.
Damn animal rights groups'll probly be after ya fer tryin' to kill seagulls.
Yikes! Sorry to see that. I would try and take it out in one peice and hang it on the wall. Blood feathers and all. That would make quit the conversation piece.
You know what the last thing that struck the seagulls mind when it hit your windshield?
Its ***.

Glad your okay.

dude sorry that happened.that would totally piss me off....stupid f*ckin seagull. glad that bastard died.
Glad to see it was only the windsheild,could,ve been worse at that speed.:thumbdow:Apparently Steele is carrying the gaskets again.Good luck.The gaske looks like it could be re-used.
I'll say this about the seagull, 'bet he doesn't have the guts to do that again.... :mrgreen: