Transmission no reverse



Owner "Poisoned Dart"
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
been having issues with my transmission. Ill start at the beginning because that would most likely be easier. First off i recently traded my old Z car off for a 1975 Dodge Dart Swinger. it has the 225 slant 6 in it and i assume it has the 904 3 speed automatic transmission. at first it had a bad problem of bogging down as i tried to take off in drive..i wasn't getting on it hard but it felt like i was weighing anchor so to speak. anyways after awhile it felt like the problem was going away however i was in my shop doing some exhaust work, and when i finished that i was backing up the hill. as i reached the top i was greeted with a thud and suddenly my reverse was gone. all forward gears work, the transmission is full as far as I can tell (the dipstick is coated a little past full but it doesn't look like a solid thick red patch leading to that line.) it doesn't smell burnt and oddly enough ever sense then all forward gears have been beastly. save for the hesitation which was found to be my accelerator pump. Anyway ive been driving it with no drive issues for almost 3 weeks now and other than having to physically roll it out of a couple parking spaces it hasn't given me any issues. Anyone know what that could be? I'm pretty sure someone does.:iconbigg:
sounds like the low and reverse band strut fell out, like it was out of adjustment and popped out.
is that an easy fix???What do i need to do to fix that?
I'm with ham r, sounds like the strut fell out or the band may have broken.
Do you have manual low gear?
If it's the strut, it can be re-installed after you drop the pan and remove the valve body, a broken band will require a complete tear down.
Were you referring to a bog (acellerator pump) or "dragging", like trying to engage 2 gears at once?
the band also could have broke.if the strut broke or fell out its not hard to fix,but vavle body will have to be removed.
If drive is working better now there was an overlap problem to begin with and now something catastrophic has happened to the low/rev servo or band because of that overlap problem. Fixing the low/rev. servo or band may make reverse work again but then you might also have the problem with drive again. It's possible someone just had the low/rev band adjustment too tight which caused it to drag making it feel like the brakes were on in drive and that eventually broke something. Your first step is to drop the pan and take a look at things then post back what you find. My guess is it's not as simple as the strut just fell out, sorry to say.
thanks for all the help guys. I didn't get a chance to check it today because of the horrible storm approaching SW MO ill check everything this weekend because hopefully it'll all be melted by then.
and irazor it was dragging like it was trying to go into 2 gears at once
i figured as much lol. theres a few wrecked Darts around here so theres probably a transmission I can get
i figured as much lol. theres a few wrecked Darts around here so theres probably a transmission I can get

not sure exactly where your at in Missouri but we have a member that's in West Plains that goes by smallblock. Do you know where West Plains is? If it turns out you need a trans. and don't find one local and West Plains isn't too far away Bill (smallblock) might be able to help.
west plains is like 50 miles north of me i think if not a little more..I may look him up but theres like 4 different darts sitting in a field about 100 yrds. from here lol