Trashin Mustangs



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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[ame=""]Ford Mustang Crash And Fail Crash Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
just saw a rerun of that mustang get together where the guy lost it and jumped the median between the truck and car that was posted here a couple of weeks ago , the new version shows 3 other mustangs that lost it trying to drift for the crowd lining the street there . It's almost like buying 1 is failing a test eh !
The majority of this was idiots who dont know how to handle a car or know when to lift. Got nothing to do with it being a Ford product. Lots of idoits out there regardless of the brand.
Except Mopar guys, you dont see too many idiots, as our cars are too expensive to fix, and parts are extinct.
Rear end fishtails right so the driver turns left then the spin starts. Seems to be a common theme here. What happened to turn into the skid?

Oh yeah and when to lift off the throttle or as I would would do push in the clutch.
Rear end fishtails right so the driver turns left then the spin starts. Seems to be a common theme here. What happened to turn into the skid?

It all depends, because if you have room sometimes it's best to just let it come on around and deal with your bruised ego.
(If you have room) :)

In all those cases they should have all turned into it I beleive, because they had lots of room on that street.

I just love watching people doing dumb stuff and end up trashing thier cars doing it.
Nope i have owned a lot of different brands, I currently have a 1980 vette that i did a 3 year rebuild of, and an 09 GSXR-1000 sportbike. Plus my 71 Duster. All have potential for disaster, but i respect them all.
I had a tuned 2011 GT and never had these problems. Can they really be that bad at driving? No understanding of oversteer/understeer/countersteer? Or just Panic fear and keeping the right foot planted?
Except Mopar guys, you dont see too many idiots, as our cars are too expensive to fix, and parts are extinct.
Some Mopar guys do the same. I watched a buddy w a 69 B5 blue 383 4 speed RR convertible do a smoke show trying to show off and he kissed a big a$$ pine tree after banging 3rd and overcorrecting. Putting the radiator up by the firewall. New front clip and it is back going again, but that was enough to make a full grown man cry. I cant mention names. He is a member of this site. LOL!!!
Hmmmmmmm.... :)













Remember guys this is just a little Sunday morning humor ! And Joe I didn't watch all the youtubes you posted but the ones I checked real quick seemed to be at the racetrack which is the proper place for making mistakes not the street except of course for the Viper clip and hey we don't consider Viper guys as real mopar guys anyway , no dirt under the finger nails eh ! LOL
I think this compilation should have been called mustang owners driving like assholes and endangering lives! Anyone who drives their cars on the street like this should loose their driving privileges and their freedom for at least a while....
now that the pics for the vids are showing I count 7 of 13 on the track or closed road course { the chally appears to be partially fenced off but people are present so I didn't count that as a track } which is the same as a track and 3 of the remaining 6 are Vipers so I'm standing by my original comment !
now that the pics for the vids are showing I count 7 of 13 on the track or closed road course { the chally appears to be partially fenced off but people are present so I didn't count that as a track } which is the same as a track and 3 of the remaining 6 are Vipers so I'm standing by my original comment !

typical mopar apologist. :)