Trouble Breathing - Shortness of Breath - COVID



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Aug 20, 2007
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Orland Park, IL
Have any of you had Covid or Pneumonia and are short of breath and/or having trouble breathing???

I had both Covid in Jan and Pneumonia in Feb and have trouble breathing when doing simple tasks including walking short distances... I met a woman who also had Covid and shortness of breath and told me about a vitamin supplement that she took and it cured her shortness of breath... I have started taking it for a month now and it has helped, but not fully cured me - I still have a long way to go, but any improvement is better than none at all...

The name of the supplement is Quercetin...

I have done some investigating on it and here's what I have come up with:

Some background info:

The Study of Quadruple Therapy Zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain and Vitamin C on the Clinical Outcomes of Patients Infected With COVID-19 - Full Text View -





Quercetin: Uses and Risks



Common Supplements Might Reduce COVID Severity

Here's a ranking of supplements:

Best 5 Quercetin Supplements Of 2022 - Don't Buy Before You Read This

Here's one of the ones that I'm trying, it has quercetin, zinc, vitamins C & D3:


I'm just passing this along for any of you that have shortness of breath and are interested in trying this to see if it can help...
Karl what moparker said.
Your lungs have been damaged. Breathing exercises.
It took me two years to feel better from Bia lateral Pneumonia, and I was around 35 then.
I had double pneumonia with covid in December 2020. I had never been a smoker which why the hospital staff said I only spent a week in the hospital.
It took almost two months before the nagging cough went away. It took another three of four months before I felt 100% breathing walking up and down the takes time.
Karl did they do a xray to determine if your bout with Covid ha d left you with any sort of lung damage??
Has the medical people determined you as a covid long hauler...someone with long term affects??
Hope they get it figured out.
If you have a spurometer from the hospital start with it.
I have active covid right now. I think I caught it from our local medical megamonstergomplex. Went in Friday for blood lab, went to urgent care to get my little toenail clipped back as I ripped it half off, and had to get an ultrasound for my liver which is something new. Sunday I was sick. Wed I spent 7 hours in ER. There, at some point they did a chest xray and cat, and dagnosed "some new and some old" blood clots on my lungs. They put me on a fairly expensive medication, and I have follow up next Friday. This was not caused by covid, as "some are not new."
I have active covid right now. I think I caught it from our local medical megamonstergomplex. Went in Friday for blood lab, went to urgent care to get my little toenail clipped back as I ripped it half off, and had to get an ultrasound for my liver which is something new. Sunday I was sick. Wed I spent 7 hours in ER. There, at some point they did a chest xray and cat, and dagnosed "some new and some old" blood clots on my lungs. They put me on a fairly expensive medication, and I have follow up next Friday. This was not caused by covid, as "some are not new."
Sorry to hear this Del. Hope u get better soon. Kim
Sorry to hear this Del. Hope u get better soon. Kim
I seem to be doin' OK. Biggest known covid symptoms after leaving the ER Wed is WEAK. My cough is way down, just occasional, really. These mysterious clots may be another matter I've never been a smoker, and don't ?? do much of anything to abuse them
Yes, I had double pneumonia... Both lungs, all lobes of each lung had at least one infection...
That sucks.... I went to hospitals at the beginning of July 10 days apart they told me I didn't need antibiotics I went to the third Hospital a month later after fighting it at home and kind of trying to hide it from the old lady cuz I didn't want to alarm her because I believe what the scumbags at the hospital told me when I got the ER they told me I had 24 to 48 hours to live
They put me on the strongest IV antibiotics they had in the hospital, 5 different kinds, broad spectrum, then 2 kinds for 2 weeks after I got out. God Blessed me with insurance AFTER I got out. When I got out, they had me on oral form antibiotics, for almost 2 weeks.... That DIDNT DO IT.. They kept me for 3 Days, the pulmonologist said I could go, but the internal medicine doctor wanted to keep me... thanks to the prayers of My Friends, and my Mopar Family here, I was released, so I could go actually sell a small job, and We could keep the lights on at least! With the blessing of the insurance, I was able to see a pulmonologist, who prescribed me Levaquin, which is known to cure the plague, and inhaled anthrax, it's normally done for a 5-day course, I took it 15 days.... I'm still coughing up green and yellow, fluorescent looking crap, from deep down in my lungs, when I got out of the hospital it was Labor Day weekend... I'm not crying, I'm just wondering if+ anyone knows any homegrown remedies, to help try to make healing things further along! I know for a fact, if the first two hospitals, would not have mis diagnosed me, I'd have gotten antibiotics, and I would not have been as sick as I was before I got properly diagnosed by a decent Hospital! Thank you all for looking
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I guess my Main Hangups are; damn doctors, and their nurses, don't give you any Aftercare information whatsoever! !You get that off the internet, yourself, or you don't even know how to lay to sleep, to keep from drowning in your own mucus...
The nurse manipulated my oxygen numbers to keep from having to "play with an oxygen tank" as an emergency situation at the office, and putting me on oxygen, so I had to "borrow oxygen" from a friend of mine that's a retired cop. In other words she lied, and did not want to do her job correctly, filled out the paperwork to benefit her! Anyway I'm out I'm tired man I'm sorry to complain to you guys I was mainly looking for information on how to actually get healed faster, and to possibly see if anyone here has had the same kind of treatment, or same symptoms after 5 months, Etc. THANK YOU JESUS AND THANK Y'ALL!!!!!!!
If I sound a little irritated, I really am, if the first two hospitals would have correctly diagnosed me and gave me antibiotics like I asked for I wouldn't have been as sick as I was and I wouldn't be in the shape that I am now... heck, I lost 30 lb I did not even have to lose!
They put me on the strongest IV antibiotics they had in the hospital, 5 different kinds, broad spectrum, then 2 kinds for 2 weeks after I got out. God Blessed me with insurance AFTER I got out. When I got out, they had me on oral form antibiotics, for almost 2 weeks.... That DIDNT DO IT.. They kept me for 3 Days, the pulmonologist said I could go, but the internal medicine doctor wanted to keep me... thanks to the prayers of My Friends, and my Mopar Family here, I was released, so I could go actually sell a small job, and We could keep the lights on at least! With the blessing of the insurance, I was able to see a pulmonologist, who prescribed me Levaquin, which is known to cure the plague, and inhaled anthrax, it's normally done for a 5-day course, I took it 15 days.... I'm still coughing up green and yellow, fluorescent looking crap, from deep down in my lungs, when I got out of the hospital it was Labor Day weekend... I'm not crying, I'm just wondering if+ anyone knows any homegrown remedies, to help try to make healing things further along! I know for a fact, if the first two hospitals, would not have mis diagnosed me, I'd have gotten antibiotics, and I would not have been as sick as I was before I got properly diagnosed by a decent Hospital! Thank you all for looking

I had Covid again in mid August... Then followed up with RSV in end of October...

I'm just now starting to get over the RSV coughing... I'm down to 6 - 10 coughing episodes a day compared to coughing up a hocker and then 5 - 10 minutes another is trying to come up... Takes alot of coughing episodes to get one up...
I had Covid again in mid August... Then followed up with RSV in end of October...

I'm just now starting to get over the RSV coughing... I'm down to 6 - 10 coughing episodes a day compared to coughing up a hocker and then 5 - 10 minutes another is trying to come up... Takes alot of coughing episodes to get one up...
Yes Sir, My Brother! and that coughing's actually damaging blood vessels in your brain,it's damaging to your lungs, and your throat,and probably you're esophagus! A friend of mine's mom had a coughing fit, then had a stroke, and then had another stroke, and died from it. She was a Good Woman
I guess my Main Hangups are; damn doctors, and their nurses, don't give you any Aftercare information whatsoever! !You get that off the internet, yourself, or you don't even know how to lay to sleep, to keep from drowning in your own mucus...
The nurse manipulated my oxygen numbers to keep from having to "play with an oxygen tank" as an emergency situation at the office, and putting me on oxygen, so I had to "borrow oxygen" from a friend of mine that's a retired cop. In other words she lied, and did not want to do her job correctly, filled out the paperwork to benefit her! Anyway I'm out I'm tired man I'm sorry to complain to you guys I was mainly looking for information on how to actually get healed faster, and to possibly see if anyone here has had the same kind of treatment, or same symptoms after 5 months, Etc. THANK YOU JESUS AND THANK Y'ALL!!!!!!!

If you want natural remedies for colds/sickness, try:

Garlic is great immune boosting... Put a couple spoonfulls in a can of chicken noodle soup before heating it up and when you eat the soup, you can feel it kick in and start to feel better... Garlic boosts the immune system...

Also try ginger... I like to cut a little off the root and put it in a cup and heat it up in the microwave for tea, then add lemon and honey... It helps with sore throats also...

Tumerec - it helps boost the immune system, especially if you put some black pepper with it, the black pepper helps boost it 1000 + times the effect...
Brother, I suck down garlic, black pepper. Onion, hot peppers, vitamin C vitamin D and zinc... I'd like to think after two and a half months since I got out of the hospital I would not be as sick as I am in fact I think I'm getting worse... actually I'm going to rephrase that it's a blessing I am not as sick as I was before I went to the last hospital
From what I read on the internet, which I get very, very, little information on, evidently pneumonia could take 6 months, to a year to heal from with your lungs? That's why I have been Really wanting to talk to real world Experienced people on this subject. You think @ 52 years old, I'd know somebody that had pneumonia, I actually do not know anyone! I really Appreciate Your Time and Knowledge!
From what I read on the internet, which I get very, very, little information on, evidently pneumonia could take 6 months, to a year to heal from with your lungs? That's why I have been Really wanting to talk to real world Experienced people on this subject. You think @ 52 years old, I'd know somebody that had pneumonia, I actually do not know anyone! I really Appreciate Your Time and Knowledge!

I was finally starting to get better from the first bout of Pneumonia by June/July after taking the quercetin for a few months, then caught Covid again and went back to square one this August/October... then the second pneumonia (RSV) after...

I just got out of the hospital tonight after being in for almost a week now... They found I had an artery with 80% blockage also and had to put two stints in my "widow maker" artery yesterday... I've passed all of the heart tests for the last year and a half, then they caught this one after a week in the hospital with the last heart test which was a chemical heart stress test...

I had the chemical stress test a year and a half ago and it didn't show up then...