Trying to get back on track



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Hello everyone
Time to spill the beans on my eventful few months, I think it will make me feel better just getting it off my chest and try and move forward :sign3:
After seeing the thread that ramcharger (Joe) lost his sister my hart sank and my event's in life seem to be small and I should count my blessings
Treva has been doing some typing for me in my racing threads and I am now able to set in my chair and do some pecking of my own :happy1:

Most all of you don't know that Layla my granddaughter that Creed, Treva and I have raised and enjoyed in our life was swooped up by a self centered and selfish witch and her mother... All they tryed to do is snag up my son creed and lied to us about who the father was :wack: one more :wack:
I was fit to be tied :banghead: these to witches call Creed and tell him he is not the father (Creed and Treva and I and my family raised her) But Creed would not marry her but did his part being her father and us being grandparents loving her and raising her from the day of birth to 18 months her on the hill................. The witch waited 18 months to brake my hart :violent1: and I watched my wife and son go numb also :-|
I can still here Layla say Bark Bark and wave at Buddy and come running to my arms.................................... It's been 7 months now and the only thing I can gather out of this is it was ment for me and my family to be a part in her life from the day she was born till the day the wicked @#$%^es seen that they could not con/sneak there way in to snagging up my son Creed to be her pick for a husband and lie her way into getting what her and her mother wanted... Creed is a great man and a hard worker and popular, everything a worldly selfish witch would want no mater what it takes :disgust:

My hart goes out to Laela :flower: may she have a full life :happy2:

To the Mother and her sneaky daughter that broke my families harts
I give them this :sad4: and they better count there blessing that I do not attack these fools in court over our loss and hart brake to deceive me and my family for there own gain, ....... It just would not do Laela any good..........

We are moving forward and I hope this never happens to anyone..

I hope when karma comes to bight these to witches on the @ss Leala will not be involved or hurt by it...

Did this make me feel better Creed, Treva and family

Hell yes!!!

When you think life is not fare, just take a good look around and see it can be worse............

Beware!!! There are people that are going to use you and then chit on you then smile about it ............

Mike on the hill, Rant over and moving forward.
Glad you got it off your chest Mike. I know it broke your's and Treva's hearts.
I am sorry to read this, sorry for the crap your family is going through, that isn't right. Remember, you have lots of friends here, actually, you can say you have a family here. I will send prayers for you, Treva, and family, especially Creed and Layla.
Glad you got it off your chest Mike. I know it broke your's and Treva's hearts.

Yea it sure did and I have dun this = Build a bridge and get over it :happy1:

I posted it here and not on FB, I did post it and my family asked me to remove it................... so I did :-k
I am sorry to read this, sorry for the crap your family is going through, that isn't right. Remember, you have lots of friends here, actually, you can say you have a family here. I will send prayers for you, Treva, and family, especially Creed and Layla.

Thank you Keith, some times I just need to step back and remember that :-k
And thank you for your input and prayers, and I am sorry for being away so long, It sure feels good to be back here at home with my fabo family :happy1:
One day at a time Mike. Glad you're back on the site.
:wack: Sorry to read this Mike.........Hoping that little Layla will re-enter your lives sometime down the road.
Wow! That totally sucks. Is Creed really the father, or was she just saying that to try to trap him and your family?

At least you are on the right track and thinking about Layla before going further. I'm sure that poor girl is going to miss you and your family.

Is there a way that you can fight for custody or even joint custody so you can still see her? If you took care of her for that long, you may have some rights to still keep her or at least continue to be part of her life.

It is tragic that Joe lost his sister, but it is also tragic to put a little girl through this. What will this do to her in the long run psychologically? It may be worth fighting for her in court for her sake.

Like I said. It's good to put her first in your concerns and try to do what's best for her.

As always, we're here for you if you need anything, just let us know.
One day at a time Mike. Glad you're back on the site.
Yep, you got it, and thank you, it does feel good to be back :happy2:

:wack: Sorry to read this Mike.........Hoping that little Layla will re-enter your lives sometime down the road.
I hope so, but the mother and real father has not said a word to us, not even an apology or any word at all from the mother or her mom.... I don't see how anyone in there right mind could do this, they are to self absorbed of there self and I think this is pitifully and there is no telling what these 2 witches will do.. It takes all kinds to make this would turn don't it sister C.. Just hopping for the best, Creed is staying strong, but keeping it inside.. :-k

Wow! That totally sucks. Is Creed really the father, or was she just saying that to try to trap him and your family?

At least you are on the right track and thinking about Layla before going further. I'm sure that poor girl is going to miss you and your family.

Is there a way that you can fight for custody or even joint custody so you can still see her? If you took care of her for that long, you may have some rights to still keep her or at least continue to be part of her life.

It is tragic that Joe lost his sister, but it is also tragic to put a little girl through this. What will this do to her in the long run psychologically? It may be worth fighting for her in court for her sake.

Like I said. It's good to put her first in your concerns and try to do what's best for her.

As always, we're here for you if you need anything, just let us know.

DNA test showed he is not the father, and I feel it's best for Laela and my family to stay on the side lines of this silly game these 2 #$%^&*s are playing and not upset Laela's life :-k
Yep, you got it, and thank you, it does feel good to be back :happy2:

I hope so, but the mother and real father has not said a word to us, not even an apology or any word at all from the mother or her mom.... I don't see how anyone in there right mind could do this, they are to self absorbed of there self and I think this is pitifully and there is no telling what these 2 witches will do.. It takes all kinds to make this would turn don't it sister C.. Just hopping for the best, Creed is staying strong, but keeping it inside.. :-k

DNA test showed he is not the father, and I feel it's best for Laela and my family to stay on the side lines of this silly game these 2 #$%^&*s are playing and not upset Laela's life :-k

Seems like some child support should be due you. Maybe they might be willing to let you see her if they thought it would save them from paying all that child support. Just food for thought.
Seems like some child support should be due you. Maybe they might be willing to let you see her if they thought it would save them from paying all that child support. Just food for thought.

Yes it is due, but but money will never repair what these 2 broom riders has dun to me and my family, I would not want to take food from the children's mouth's, A letter!! a friggen phone call or a word of care about what they dun to us would be the right thing for them to do..
Witches have no morels, all I can do is pray they don't mess Leala up and the new grandparents and real father watches over her correctly
Mike I am so sorry to hear all this. Things have a way of coming around and they will get their due one way or another.I'm glad you're back and you are feeling better.
This was very hard to read Mike. I know how much this girl warmed all of your lives, and brought joy to you all everytime she spent time with you.

I find it unbelievable that someone could be so cruel to try to deceive your son, and have the gall to maintain this charade for such a long time.

I know you say you are over it, but I know that she will be in your mind forever, and I hope that in the future when she is old enough, she will be able to at least contact you and let you know she is well.

Take care my friend, and strength to you, Creed and Treva.

Truly disturbing to read this. The depths that people will sink to never cease to amaze me....
Glad to see you back posting on FABO. My life is much less interesting. You could write a novel of yours. Shakespeare's stories of betrayal and tragedy might have been more interesting with DNA testing thrown in.
I am sorry to read this, sorry for the crap your family is going through, that isn't right. Remember, you have lots of friends here, actually, you can say you have a family here. I will send prayers for you, Treva, and family, especially Creed and Layla.

X2, stay strong Mike!
Sorry to hear what you and your family are going thru. It's sad the lengths some people will through to deceive you. Only time will make things better my friend. I'm sure Layla will never forget about you and your family.

Glad to have you back!

Thanks, Aj
Mike I am so sorry to hear all this. Things have a way of coming around and they will get their due one way or another.I'm glad you're back and you are feeling better.
Thank you Cliff, I hear you, and thanks, It does feel good to get this off my chest here at home :happy1:

This was very hard to read Mike. I know how much this girl warmed all of your lives, and brought joy to you all everytime she spent time with you.

I find it unbelievable that someone could be so cruel to try to deceive your son, and have the gall to maintain this charade for such a long time.

I know you say you are over it, but I know that she will be in your mind forever, and I hope that in the future when she is old enough, she will be able to at least contact you and let you know she is well.

Take care my friend, and strength to you, Creed and Treva.

Well Grant :-k You are right :-k it will always be there (hurt & care)
cruelty is an understatement :-k but sadly it is true and we are moving forward... I would not wish the hart pounding betting they have gave us because of there selfishness. Thank you Grant .

Truly disturbing to read this. The depths that people will sink to never cease to amaze me....
And they walk the streets with out a care in the would it seems :-k
I could not live with myself if I hurt a family like this, Like I said before ink, Not even a letter or a phone call......

Glad to see you back posting on FABO. My life is much less interesting. You could write a novel of yours. Shakespeare's stories of betrayal and tragedy might have been more interesting with DNA testing thrown in.
:D Now I am sure there has to be something you could share Bill :D
I have been keeping this off the air ways and have been told not to say anything about my feelings on it.. I say BS I will speak my mind on this and hope the witch see's this one day!! Heck even her newly found family.

We love Leala and don't want to put this in her life at this time, but I sure would like to see the 2 witches face to face and ask them what they would do in my position :-k .......
Sorry to hear about all of this. I will say prayers for you. Did your son ask for DNA proof! My brother in law is fighting the state of WV over a child that was conceived after his divorce by his ex, who left and went to Texas got pregnant and came back and listed his name as the father! he's in debt for about 35 grand over this.
X2, stay strong Mike!
Have been and will continue 2darts, I am letting Creed make the calls, we all need to move forward and will :happy1:

Very sorry to read this,,prayers sent to all of you !!
Thank you :happy1: I hope this is seen by anyone thinking it's ok to pull this BS on another family.. and I would bet it has happened a few times :-k

Sorry to hear what you and your family are going thru. It's sad the lengths some people will through to deceive you. Only time will make things better my friend. I'm sure Layla will never forget about you and your family.

Glad to have you back!

Thanks, Aj
Thank you Aj, we are and all we can do is hope for the best and keep leala in our prayers, she would not want her ol papaw to let this bring me down.
Sorry to hear about all of this. I will say prayers for you. Did your son ask for DNA proof!

Yes, and we got it, the Witch was seeing him at the same time she had a roll with Creed, but she trapped Creed and my wife and me trying to get her pick..
Thank you dover, prayers are a good thing, and we are moving forward.
Yep sometimes life just sucks,I know all to well.keep ya chin up buddy,ps Cindy says hi.She just flip her tit for ya lol.
Thats such a sad story Mike. My eyes were watering as I read it. I hope that everything works out for your family, and for the young Layla. You have a lot of friends on here, and we feel for you bro.

Better days ahead Mike...better days :thumblef:
DNA test showed he is not the father, and I feel it's best for Laela and my family to stay on the side lines of this silly game these 2 #$%^&*s are playing and not upset Laela's life :-k

But if you took care of her while her "family" walked away and let you, there may be some rights that you do have, if you want to pursue them. If they let you take care of her for a year and a half and had minimal contact, then you may have some claim since she voluntarily gave her to you.

But if you feel it's better left alone, that is your call.

That was a bad thing to do to a kid.