TV Car show hacks

Those two morons going around buying and selling cars are pretty well "hacked" "Counting cars?" Is that it? I was over at one of my neighbors a couple of times. He records all that crap.
That show "Car hoarders" or something like that where the two guys sell a bunch of a person's broke down old cars and builds them one running driving car in return.
I think that show SUCKS.
Most of those shows have one thing in common. Never show how they handle the rust issues. With the timelines they go on about, can only imagine those cars are the same ol' ***** with just a new dress.
[ame=""]Vegas Rat Rods Episode 1 (Salt Flat Rod) - Part 1 of 4 - YouTube[/ame]
Isn't the whole point of ratrodding to build it yourself, because it's your story? Not pay some shop to rust out some old body and drop a motor on a frame? lol

It used to be that way, and it used to be that way with hotrodding.
I see soooo many people that just bought it and are at the shows, and it's not quite the same.
I don't blame them, just not like it used to be where you used to be able to discuss how you got the broken distributor gear (or whatever) out of the engine and replaced it.
These days a lot of would be hotrodders don't even know what the distributor gear in their car's engine looks like, let alone where it is.
It used to be that way, and it used to be that way with hotrodding.
I see soooo many people that just bought it and are at the shows, and it's not quite the same.
I don't blame them, just not like it used to be where you used to be able to discuss how you got the broken distributor gear (or whatever) out of the engine and replaced it.
These days a lot of would be hotrodders don't even know what the distributor gear in their car's engine looks like, let alone where it is.

I agree completely, I have no problem with someone buying something and bringing it to a show. It's when they claim to have built it. Believe me, had I had the funds, I would probably buy a near complete rat rod, because I like them and don't have the skill to build one from the ground up unfortunately.

There have been plenty of times where I'm watching one on CL, then it's gone, go to a show, see the same car and the guy who has it claims he did all the work, when really he bought it for 5k + a dirtbike, or something like that haha.
Back in Time said:
TV Car show hacks

IMO, that title fits, 95% of the car shows, and the people in them, on TV, and 100% of the, so called, "reality car shows" on TV.
It used to be that way, and it used to be that way with hotrodding.
I see soooo many people that just bought it and are at the shows, and it's not quite the same.
I don't blame them, just not like it used to be where you used to be able to discuss how you got the broken distributor gear (or whatever) out of the engine and replaced it.
These days a lot of would be hotrodders don't even know what the distributor gear in their car's engine looks like, let alone where it is.

Everyone my buddy asked said that they just bought their Mopar the way it was at Don Garlit's car show this past weekend. None of them put in the wrench time. But I think that this a sign of the age of the vehicle, against the age of the enthusiast, & the changing era of car hobbyists.

The older car wrenching generation reminds of the WW2 vets, a generation that is precious in the perspective that they can show us, a perspective that we cannot experience the same way they did: the horse power wars in their infancy, Korea, Vietnam, musical revolution, Cold War beginning/end, a great economy that SHOWCASED a passion for the automotive industry, etc., etc.
The one thing I do like about those shows is that you get to see many different cars and peoples ideas on what is nice(in their mind)and you can catch the odd good idea here and there,wheel combos,paint etc.
If you want to see an example of hacks, tune in to a show called " Vegas Rat Rods" on Velosity.

I saw one episode where this guy and his son drive up with a truck cab and a diesel engine on a trailer. They get to negotiating the price to build the thing and the son brings up the point that it's a father-son project in an attempt to lower the price. I about spit my drink out...a father-son project and they're dropping it off for someone else to build? Either these guys really have no clue what a father-son project is, or the director of the show doesn't.

I started getting really annoyed....then I remembered that it's a damn reality show and I changed it to BBC to watch a Star trek re-run for the 12th time.
The only thing real about these shows and many others like them is the T.V. cameras.
The rest is scripted and set up.
Just like ****, it's all about the fantasy it creates that makes it popular, not the reality.
Just like ****, it's all about the fantasy it creates that makes it popular, not the reality.

Guess I need to call Domino's and tell them I can't be a delivery driver. I thought those guys got laid all the time. Dang it!!! :D
BBC has the second best car show, well had anyways, and that was Top gear. The best car show is roadkill.
Roadkill is absolutely the BEST show period......... Its only on the web, but they say that's the reason they can keep it real.... no contacts and BS
I have been doing this car thing for many years and i have encountered many of these "i built it" guys who only wrote out the checks and the purest pointing out every flaw of your ride [some who don't even have a car]. I watch these shows for pure entertainment reasons i don't care what show it is i watch it, the power block shows on Saturdays are my biggest problem i can't even count how many times they say "you DIY guys can do this in your driveway for just under 5-8 grand in parts" i don't know about ya'll but i ain't got that kind of scratch laying around. My favorite show is wheeler dealers they don't get rich and Edd actually explains what and why he's doing something.