Twister hood - flat black or satin?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 26, 2011
Reaction score
Valparaiso, FL
My 71 Twister came from the factory with a flat black hood. I forget the name of paint on the rest of the car - but I think it was close to what is called Hemi Orange. The car in now black with a grey hood. I'm ready to go back to the original paint color but I'm trying to rationalize that the hood can beblack satin rather than flat black because the original flat black faded prematurely. The guy painting my car says the satin would be easier for him.
Opinions? Would the satin be a mistake?
I vote flat. Seems like with improvement with finishes these days, fading shouldn't be a problem. Back in the day, I made the mistake of waxing the hood on my 72 Duster 340 and had a terrible time getting that milky coating off the black.
The black hoods on Mopars were not flat.Thet were more of a satin or semi flat and not a true flat black.It was called angersol(spelling?) black paint.You can order the paint from Year One I believe and other suppliers.
don't use the laquer based dosent last. I cant remember what company, but it is now made in a acrylic enamel. Much more durable! I had an AAR and hated the Laquer. Another option is to use PPG DP90 semi flat epoxy primer, and jack up the air pressure to 50 PSI and spray at 12'' from surface I did this on my duster, and it looks just like organsol, with a perfect texture. Everyone thinks it's organsol