


I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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No matter who you lean towards in the election, THIS is funny.

Jeb Bush forgot to renew his domain name. The Donald swooped in and bought it. LOL

Bush can't handle a web page, and he wants to be president. Wow, that would be great!
Christ all Friday. Now I remember why I stopped posting as much.

This is the fuckin JOKE section.
this is the "joke " thread, right? I say America, in general, has decided ALL politicians are a joke! no matter WHAT the Donald says, his poll rating just keeps going up! ha?????

when Jeb has to bring his his brother, mom, ....

has dad showed yet? to try to persuade the public to embrace him,

I say, start a reality tv show next season based on life in the white house and as a policician in general!? ha

O K next joke!?????
Politics, or more correctly POLITICIANS are a joke, Rob

Too bad they really aren't that funny!!
I love Half of Trump. And when he Told Jeb his Brother Didnt keep us safe, man that was Awesome. He kicked his ***.
Sounds like the story for all politicians around the world ours in aus are just as bad all they do to try to win an election is to promise the world and defame the opposition
now here I some more funny C***. last week I recorded the old western, Cimmarron with Glen Ford. long story short, if you don't remember that old 50's ?? movie. toward end of flick, Glenn wants to get elected governor of Ok. he is invited to go to Washington to meet with the "committee". ( musta been a Dem??) course they let ole Glenn know he WILL win the election if he promises favors down the road to the committee. Glenn being honest guy his whole life, tells them to F*** off, and goes back to what ever non gonernor types did back then on Ok. ( drill for oil maybe?).

funny how things just never change, huh SUPERPAC!?????????