unique gifts



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
walnut creek, ca
hey guys. i was just wondering if anyone made any gifts for anyone this year. every year i struggle to come up with a gift for my girlfriend. she never wants anything materialistic. but she did mention that she wants a little tool box that she can put stuff in for her car. she has a 59 nash metropolitan. so i got an idea. i went to sears and bought a little toolbox. then went to the paint shop and got the paint that matches her car. its been tough trying to paint this in the garage without her knowing. i told her she cant go in the garage for the next week. so she told me "thats fine, you have to do laundry for the next week." crap... i didnt think that through. so i have it all painted, i just need to clear it. and put on the reproduction metropolitan emblem on it. i hope she likes it. im into this tool box for about 200 dollars! so what did you guys get your significant others for christmas?


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That's what I was thinking. I bet she'll like it, she'll be showing it off when she takes the car out. Besides girls like things that match.
Man, your girlfriend is gonna regret making you do laundry now!:toothy10:
That is toooo wicked cool!! Im sure she is gonna love it! :thumbrig:
Im working on a drawing for my girlfriend as I need something that's budge friendly, but its taking a while as someone took a bunch of my art supplies and never returned them:angry7:
thanks guys. this was suppost to be budget friendly, but that went out the window once i got to the paint shop.
well its almost done guys. i had to sand the front down and reshoot it today. i put a big old run in the clear.that was frustrating. i repainted the front today and will shoot some clear on it tomorrow. i also drilled the holes and checked out how the emblem will look on there.


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That is AWESOME!!!! I'd be proud to have a tool box that matched my ride.

Now you just have to sneak into her car and fab up a custom bracket to hold it in place. :-D

<< duckin
Get some chrome stick-on moulding or chrome penstriping tape to put where the colors meet! That is NICE!
You do realize how short the jump is from a tool box with fresh matching paint to spending the time and money on the car's body and paint, because you know she's not going to be happy until the car looks as good as the box!
" ooooh honey, you did so well on my tool-box, now next week i will pick up the paint and you can do the car for my b-day"................................wow, i sooooo hear that comming out of her mouth when she gets that toolbax.lol
That looks great, no doubt she will be thrilled about it. So how goes the laundry??
Aw man, I was all excited about what I made, until I saw yours... That tool box is way too cool, now I want to make one for my Dart.

Still a nice shelf, Demulsion.

That toolbox is awesome though! The emblem makes it. I agree on getting that stick on chrome stuffs to separate the colors too. Could always us real trim :p