United Airlines version of social distancing



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Lakeview, OR
United Airlines said it would try to keep middle seats empty. This photo shows a nearly full flight

Yeah, we're going to keep middle seats open.... NOT.

my Pastor just got back from florida
he said all through the airport there was the 6 feet distancing, but as soon as they got on the plane
Just flew United, 2x2 plane, one person per row each side, board from the rear 2 rows called at a time, keep your space as boarding.

it went as they said it should, similar for exiting.

They said it was because they gave 25 doctors and nurses free flights back home from NY.. like that is going to make anyone feel better, 25 people just back out of hell traveling on a full plane. They should have given them their own plane with champagne, and a big thanks from NY.
Social Distancing on a passenger jet makes about as much sense as the 'non-smoking' section aboard same.
And it goes through a HEPA filter, and is mixed about 50/50 with fresh incoming air. It's actually changed more often than many indoor offices. The problem is when it's on the ground - the power cart does not provide as much air, and we've all been on planes where they just turn it off and everyone is breathing everyone else for 10-15 minutes...
Besides, this is United we're talking about. They haven't beaten anyone, denied them a paid seat, or killed anyone's dog in a while. Guess it could be worse.
The air inside an aircraft like that is recirculated about every 3 minutes.
Nope, it is quite controlled...and safer than people think.

Most modern aircraft have recirculation system, which recycle up to 50% of cabin air. However, the recirculated air is passed through HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, of the type used in infectious disease hospitals and intensive care units, which trap dust particles, bacteria, fungi and viruses...including COVID-19.

The risk is from the persons near you, not the recirculated air. It is cleaner than the best hospital you could be in.

Yes, The incoming bleed air is constantly being fed in, while air escapes out the outflow valves. At what rate, I don't know. But, the airpac is constantly moving the air. (at least that's how it was years ago).Didn't know about the HEPA filter. Not that it really matters in a situation like that. Removing the middle seat is just a psychological thing anyway.