Unplugging my boys!

You are part of the reason we are becoming a minority! You should breed irresposibly and have children from at least five different women who are all raising them on welfare!! Maybe if you act like you are a homeless guy they will give you one for free!
LMAO I love the title to the thread. To answer your ?'s Yes Ive had it done. And so far (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood) its worked, I had the surgery almost 4 years ago. As far as pain, all I can say is that I did hurt and I was sore especially when walking. But it wasnt bad at all. I think the worst part was the week or so leading up to having it done worrying that something might go wrong or how bad it was going to be painwise afterwards. Heres a little advice. Tell your Dr that you have had Vicodin before (thats usually what they prescribe for that surgery) and that it didnt work so the Dr upped you to percocet. MUCH BETTER!! Another tip is to take the percocet with 1 advil because it will increase the pain relief w/o having to take extra perc's. Good luck to you and the boys!!!! :-D

congrats on making such a decision...the procedure works, and is darn near painless. Although, give it a few weeks to get rid of all the swimmers just to be on the safe side...
Oh my. I personally have never been snipped, but I work with a guy that just had it done. He said first thing they do is stick a big needle in your nads!
He also said your junk swells up for a week afterwards.

I lost intrest at that point.

Good luck! I hate goin' under the knife.....
Yeah....but just think about roaming around the apartment pool in a speedo. All the girls will be thinking "Wow...what a package"

till the swelling goes down anyway:toothy10:
JR, good luck! I opened up the link and clicked on the pre-op information but couldn't even get past the shaving part (without fear of what was next) and had to close it. I just can't imagine anyone messing with the ol' fruit salad. ;)
Yup J. R. done that been there. I was sore for 2 weeks but what really helped along with the most powerful drugs you can stomach, LOL, is wear tight fitting shorts to keep the twins from moving around and making it worse. Also, go buy some frozen pees in the plastic bags and use the bag as a cold compress on the poor boys then just put the pees back in the freezer for next day.
One other thing when things are back to normal please throw the bag of pees in the garbage.

There is one other thing you can do with the bag of pees, when your sweetheart starts getting on your case, and she will, throw the bag at her.

I had it done about 10 years ago. It hurt like hell. It felt like someone kicked me with nose-pickers,then slashed the old bag open with a steak knife. OUCH!!!!

Actually, it didn't hurt at all. I went out snowplowing about two hours after I had it done. After that, a bag of peas, and a test run on the missus, and everything was good. (That test was oral, you have to watch for the one still in the chamber):sign10:
Thanks a lot T. Combine that pic of JR in his avatar and you mentioning him walking around in a speedo and Im going to have nightmares for week :wack:
JK Again, good luck JR
I had that done 12 years ago. Best $5 I ever spent. Insurance covered it, so only had to make the co-payment. I went to work (roofing houses) the next day with no problems, and never even took an aspirin. There was no swelling, with only slight discomfort for a day or so. It can take up to 6 weeks for your body to flush out all the swimmers, so take precautions until then. I know another guy that got snipped, and didn't "pull out" a week or so later, and knocked his 'ol lady up.........
I've heard about the do it yourself at home kit. It comes with a box of tissue, a magnum of Jack Daniels, two small pieces of masking tape and a pillow.

Step one is to find a suitable heavy interior door. "Don't use the front or rear door of your house as you might get arrested for indecent exposure depending on neighbors"

Step two is to lay on the floor with your feet at the base of the door to where you are comfy and place the pillow on the floor under your head.

Step three is to stand up closely the door and open the bottle of Jack and slug down half of it giving twenty to thirty minutes depending upon your tolerance to it and to replace the cap before proceeding to step four.

Step four is to take said threatening orb's of financial robbing self out of your pants and place one of the two pieces of masking tape on the orb's to securely fasten them to the inner part of the door jamb. With your strongest hand and arm grab ahold of the heavy door and give it a real good slam.

Step five is a self operating step. As your eyes roll back into your head, and you fall back "this is why it's important to place the pillow correctly" you will drift off to na na land before you hit the pillow. Between the Jack and the great natural want of sleep this should appease the pain.

Step six comes once you have awoken from your light slumber. Drink the remaining Jack. And repeat step four.

You may wonder what is the use of the box of tissue? It is to wipe away the tears and to blow your nose from bawling in case you don't drink the Jack early enough to let it soak in.

You see why you must use an interior door unless you live in the country, or have key parties with the neighbors.
been 21 years ago boy -girl quit .Good luck and ask for the donut so you can site down ha ha see ya ! ps like ice if not you will !!!!
Had it done three years ago and no issues. Doc did a local, I kept lifting my head, the one on my shoulders trying to watch. He's talking to me through the whole procedure and I'm asking questions. I even started laughing as we're telling jokes and thinking I can't believe I'm doing this. I was then stitched and cauterized. Seeing and smelling smoke down there from the cauterizing isn't cool but it's quick, of course I'm joking with him I'm on fire. He told me to take Tylenol, gave me a precription for Vicodin just in case and that was it. Took it easy for a couple of days and as Pharmboy states he'll tell you to come back in a few weeks to see if you have any swimmers. I can definitely say that me and the boys are happy campers and wife is very happy too.

Good Luck
I've heard about the do it yourself at home kit. It comes with a box of tissue, a magnum of Jack Daniels, two small pieces of masking tape and a pillow.

Step one is to find a suitable heavy interior door. "Don't use the front or rear door of your house as you might get arrested for indecent exposure depending on neighbors"

Step two is to lay on the floor with your feet at the base of the door to where you are comfy and place the pillow on the floor under your head.

Step three is to stand up closely the door and open the bottle of Jack and slug down half of it giving twenty to thirty minutes depending upon your tolerance to it and to replace the cap before proceeding to step four.

Step four is to take said threatening orb's of financial robbing self out of your pants and place one of the two pieces of masking tape on the orb's to securely fasten them to the inner part of the door jamb. With your strongest hand and arm grab ahold of the heavy door and give it a real good slam.

Step five is a self operating step. As your eyes roll back into your head, and you fall back "this is why it's important to place the pillow correctly" you will drift off to na na land before you hit the pillow. Between the Jack and the great natural want of sleep this should appease the pain.

Step six comes once you have awoken from your light slumber. Drink the remaining Jack. And repeat step four.

You may wonder what is the use of the box of tissue? It is to wipe away the tears and to blow your nose from bawling in case you don't drink the Jack early enough to let it soak in.

You see why you must use an interior door unless you live in the country, or have key parties with the neighbors.

or you can do it like what they do to goats.. just tightly wrap a rubberband around those things and wait till they fall off... lol
Haven't knocked anybody up for almost 30 years. Way back then they still used scalpels and made an incision that was almost an inch long. About all I remember about it was laying on the couch with ice and drinking beer :drinkers: while watching football all day. Thought it was kinda cool that the old lady was fetching beer and ice all day without bitching about it. Told the doc he should do it for half price since I'm an oddball but he wouldn't go for it. Greedy bastard. You'll do fine, there's nothing to worry about. Just take it easy your first day out and you'll have no worries. For some reason the ladies like premium orange juice. Something about all juice, no seeds. :-\" :-\"
I don't understand, did you guys all get this done before you had kids? I don't want to be nosy, I was just wondering.
You're an oddball? Only one?


not sure I want to know...............
With everything going on here and you are getting your boys put out to paster. Jeeeeeeze #-o:-D:poke:
I worked around Dr's for 15 years scamp and there is not a thing to worry
about and rest your mind bud, Something tells me you are ready for this and
you will man up and deal with it.:naka:

And Badawg's #3 post is good advice

This will be nothing for 360scamp just make sure there is some green beer and shots ready for him when he gets home Niki :cheers:
I don't understand, did you guys all get this done before you had kids? I don't want to be nosy, I was just wondering.

NOOOOOO. You have it done after you are done having kids so you dont have anymore.
good lord this is disturbing ... wheres a dang good politcal bashing thread...