Update on 65barracuda dude



hopeless car junkie
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,Ive been gone a while but searched for a post about Matthew after recently talking to his brother,Ive done buisness with Matthew for a while and have seen/talked to him several times.Let me say at this point he owes me money as well and it seems his brother is going to make it right,I will need to drive up to get the part so I will check on the kick panels.Anybody who has had an addiction or known someone with an addiction knows that when you fall down you dont just hit your knees,you fall of the radar,Matthew played/toured in a heavy metal band for alot of years and has alot of friends in different states and I would guess from being in that scene for years most are not exactly white pickett fence and family type guys.Without digging too much into his personal life there is an ex from hell that likes to play head games and has custody of his girl-and as I recently found out more in short his mental health is gone,he problay hasnt looked at a computer let alone be a working/contributing part of society since he relapsed.Im not defending him but I would not want his situation for anything.His brother does live with him and they are very close,hes also been into cars and they live in a small enough confine that he knows about everything Matthew has,most of his parts are gone since he needed quick money to blow town but his brother told me of the events on fabo and said the kick panels were still there-I guess he even cleaned/painted them? before his meltdown.And as was mentioned the barracuda was for sale cheap,his brother just needed to recoup the cash borrowed form him and the title was in his name so no theres no fraud going on.Unless all hell breaks loose I am supposed to get up there in the next day or so and if the kick panels are there I will bring them back with me.Alot of people including me are blessed enough that we never had to endure a life like that,Ive witnessed it alot and maybe that helped me from repeating it and although I would never do it I can sympathise with those that are caught up in it.For many who have done buisness with him we know his genorsity is amazing and its really sad to see such a nice guy fall victim to his demons,I will update this as I know more.
I had a few dealings with him and all was good and descriptions of the part's were as described well actually better than described.had talked to him in chat a few times also...I guess we can say a prayer for him and thank you for your understanding and the effort to help out fellow members.
Thanks for the update, he's been on my mind too. Maybe this is a (sad) reminder to have a talk with our kids about drugs and how they destroy people's lives and cause so much sorrow.

Matthew and his family need our prayers. I hope he knows he has friends at FABO, I miss him around here.
Thats to bad. Hope he gets some help soon. Good to here his brother is going to make right for you all that got burned.
Thanks for the update lead69. Thanks for picking up the kick panels for me, I really appreciate it.
I will send an email to Matthews brother later and send you a PM.

If you can get a message to him, tell him I will eventually get my stuff and no hard feelings. I just want him to get back in control, back on his feet and back here on FABO where he belongs.8)
Prayers sent to him and his family.
And when you or anyone else can make him see :happy10: He will know that this is a fake life that has a hold of him:profilel:. Get back to the real world where it is expectable to fall but get back up :cheers:
See the sun shine:read2: when the clouds are covering the sky bro.
I hope he can get back into his real hobbies!Cars and Mopars!Women sure can do a # on your brain when there,s little ones involved!