USPS Postage Rates Went Up. Be Advised.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Rancho Cordova, CA
Since i was last in the post office, two weeks ago, i found out today, that prices for their small, medium, large, flat rate box's have gone up in price.
So be advised of that, if you sell parts, and then send the packages out thru the postal service.
I'm sure postage for packages by weight and size, have increased substantially, also.
And buyers now days expect postage to be $25 or have you pay the postage...

If you can't afford to pay the postage yourself, then stop buying parts... :icon_fU:
I figured something was up as the on-line postage calculator hasn't been right once this year.
Still cheaper than driving it there.
Just bought a book of stamps today $13.60
funny you should mention this, just this morning my son (13) was wondering if it made sense to buy a few books of "forever" stamps, as an investment
Yeah we're paying the premium for them double / triple handling the work
If you want an example of why the rates are going up, I'll cite one for you; I bought an item on line and it shipped on the 16th. Here where it gets strange, the first tracking was in Dallas, Tx, from there it went to Austin, then to Carrolton, then to my town of Cleveland, then to Houston, then back to Cleveland, and then back to Houston on the 20th. From there, the tracking stopped and then today the package was delivered today, 5 days late. Now for the even stranger part, the package originally shipped from a warehouse 40 miles from my house in Houston. If that is not a waste of time and money, I guess there isn't ANY logical explanation.
If you want an example of why the rates are going up, I'll cite one for you; I bought an item on line and it shipped on the 16th. Here where it gets strange, the first tracking was in Dallas, Tx, from there it went to Austin, then to Carrolton, then to my town of Cleveland, then to Houston, then back to Cleveland, and then back to Houston on the 20th. From there, the tracking stopped and then today the package was delivered today, 5 days late. Now for the even stranger part, the package originally shipped from a warehouse 40 miles from my house in Houston. If that is not a waste of time and money, I guess there isn't ANY logical explanation.
I have explained this ad nauseam. I can teach, I can't make you learn.
That's what a large flat rate box is now costing, $24.75.
Interesting... I thought pricing was the same anywhere in the continental US.
I paid $22.80 for a large flat rate box going from FL. to CT. on 1/17/23

BTW... It weighed 8.5 lbs. when it left the post office here and 5.1 lbs when it got to its destination.

Bought $30 of "forever" stamps Sunday (the day before they went up).

...and found a 42 cent forever stamp in the back of my postal supplies drawer. IIRC the first ever issued.