Valve Question



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Scarborough, Qld
My valve stems are not all at the same height. The exhaust valves have pulled into the head somewhat making them not the same height as the intakes. Have shimmed up the springs to installed height to maintain spring pressure. Should I just leave them like that or is there another solution. I DO NOT what to spend any money on this engine as it will be replaced with my 408 when I have saved enough moolah for my transmission. Leave it and put back together or can I do a cheap arse fix
If it's not enough difference that the lifters will still take up the slack don't worry about it.
Are you talking spring height, or stem height? If the valves sunk there's no fix but a valve job and shimming the springs will just make them eat through the heads faster. If this is a 360 the rotating-type retainer and valve locate the spring and it's "shorter". But even in that situation - the stems should be at the same height regardless. It's a shaft rocker system.
Are you talking spring height, or stem height? If the valves sunk there's no fix but a valve job and shimming the springs will just make them eat through the heads faster. If this is a 360 the rotating-type retainer and valve locate the spring and it's "shorter". But even in that situation - the stems should be at the same height regardless. It's a shaft rocker system.

The motor is a 318 - Stem Height. I dont think they are going to eat thru the heads in 6 months of light driving cause thats all iI want it to run for. As Rusty Rat Rod said I was just going to leave them and let the lifter take up the slack however some Ex valves are 10 - 12 thou lower than the intakes. I dont want to spend any money so I suppose leaving them is my only option.
If the height difference gets so much that the valvetrains on the exhausts start to stack up, you can always 'tip' the valves (grind a bit off the ends with a proper fine grinding machine). But if it gets that far, it may be too late for the valve seats to hold much longer. I guess you have to hope that they do not deteriorate too much further until you get that 408 $$ saved up!