We could all use a laugh today



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee

Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.

Walk to bathroom wearing long robe. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror -- make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts, etc.

Perform close up facial inspection for blackheads, moustache, and any signs of aging.

Spend twenty minutes tweezing any unwanted hairs from face.

Get in the shower. Use wash cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone.

Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.

Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.

Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner.

Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.

Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and Jaffa cake body wash.

Rinse conditioner off hair.

Shave armpits and legs.

Rinse off.

Turn off shower.

Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower.

Spray mold spots with Tilex.

Get out of shower. Dry with towel the size of a small country.

Wrap hair in super absorbent towel.

Return to bedroom wearing long robe and towel on head. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.


Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile on the bed or floor.

Walk naked to the bathroom.

If you see wife along the way, shake wiener at her making the woo-woo sound.

Look at your manly physique in the mirror.

Admire the size of your wiener and scratch your butt.

Get in the shower. Wash your face. Wash your armpits.

Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse them off.

Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.

Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.

Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs stuck on the soap.

Wash your hair. Make a Shampoo Mohawk.


Rinse off and get out of shower.

Partially dry off.

Fail to notice the water on floor because curtain was hanging out of tub the whole time.

Admire wiener size in mirror again. Flex muscles a few times.

Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, and light and fan on.

Return to bedroom with towel around waist.

If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake wiener at her and make the woo-woo sound again.

Throw wet towel on bed.

Hey Leanna, cute joke but speaking of bathroom mirrors and admiring oneself I got one for ya. (this might be an old one but can't remember)

One morning the husband and his wife are both in the bathroom, it's a large one, with the husband shaving and the wife doing her hair. The husband glances over and sees his wife lifting and squeezing her boobies and can't resist so he asks her what she's up to. His wife says that she's wondering how she would look with larger breasts and says "dear what do you think, are they fine the way they are or should I maybe get a larger pair but surgery is so expensive". Now if most men were asked this they would realize that this is one of those questions that could be a trap and would run screaming into the night but not this guy. He answers, why yes dear a larger pair might be a good idea but you don't have to have surgery to get the results. The wife looks at him and say please explain. The husband says, well what you do is every morning you ball up a good amount of toilet paper and rub the ball between the twins and after a year you should notice them getting bigger. The wife looks at him kind of weird like and says, that would be cheaper but do you really think it would work. The husband replies, Yup dear I'm sure it'll work after all it's worked on your ***.

I don't know about needing a laugh, I'm sure we could all use a drink or two.
damn im busted,Me and yours must be a lot alike. He aint got any kin from Alabama or West Virginia does he?
WOW! I'm busted! Did my wife squeal on me?
Hey Leanne, did you here that Loranne Bobbitt was arrested again for trying to do the same thing to her 2nd husband that she did to the 1st. Fortunately for her she missed her mark this time and the cops could only charge her with a missed-a-weiner!
Oh Leanna, you hit the nail one the head lady!!
I have had 3 husbands and all 3 have been guilty of that. Except for Grumpus, I do have him "trained" to put his dirty clothes in the hampers for dark and light clothes...:cheers: thank GOD. :love7::angel8:
Dark and light hampers? I'm lucky if my clothes make it to the hamper. Come washday I dump the hamper on the floor with other 2/3 of the dirty clothes, figure out what I have to have the next day and do it in all in one load on cold. Problem solved.

Toliet seat up? So what, put it down. I don't complain that the seat is down when I walk in the crapper, I just put it up. What's the big deal?

I am glad I did not read that earlier today like I did OldVarts Joke.ouch!
Thanks for a good laugh leanna :cheers: I do the laundry here and my wife has a pile of her clothes on here side of the bed.
But that's ok she picked mine up for many years too :toothy10: