

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2010
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Yakima, Washington
SGBARRACUDA started a thread about Big Foot. Not to steal his thread I thought I start my own. Being from the middle of Big Foot country. I grew up with it. Indian folk lore. They would set around and smoke stuff and tell tales , the better the stuff the bigger the tale.
Patterson the author of big foot and film maker of the Big foot footage was from Yakima.
I don't believe in it ... never have. But there are thing in our lives that have happened that there is no explanation for , no what ifs nothing. If you have an unexplainable lets hear it.
When I was in High School a friend of mines Dad had a ranch a few miles outside Yakima mostly wheat and hay. Most ranchers with a lot of acreage leave their equipment where they finish at the end of the day. My friend came Monday morning for school and said that He and his Dad had been plowing Saturday. At the end of the day they left their equipment at the Northeast corner of their property about 2 miles from the House . Sunday morning they went to continue and found the Dozzer and gang they were pulling gone. No tracks , nothing disturbed , plow rows as they left them. They got in the truck and searched the property to find bulldozer and gang at the Southeast corner of the property intact , no tracks nothing . They did call the County Sheriff an investigation was done nothing concluded , a mystery to this day.
My father-in-law passed away unexpectedly in his sleep at 49 yrs old Dec 30 1995, just 2 months before Jake was conceived. From the time Jake started toddling around at 10 months old to until about 3 yrs of age, when we would visit my mother-in-law, he would go to the front window of the house and start giggling and laughing then run away, circle thru the living room and go back to laugh at the window again. When we asked him what he was laughing at, he'd walk over to Dad's picture in the other room and say "Pop-Pop". They were not alive at the same time to have ever met.
I got rained on in a foot and a half circle once while fishing a riverbank.
Sunny blue clear summer day.
Looked up no clouds just this rain.
Falling straight down soft like. Had a rainbow being generated like water sprayed from the garden hose into the sun.
Steady light rain sized drops. No clouds no wind just water falling out of sunny mid day calm blue sky in a very small area. Had to step aside and watch it till it stopped feeling the rain with my hand. It never moved being there was no breeze, just faded away like the shower was over. I suppose there is nothing
unexplainable about a rain shower.
The strange part was how small of an area was getting rain. That never happens here and is the strangest thing I have ever seen in my half a century of time on this planet.
Years ago I was driving home from work and saw something strange. It was getting dark and I already had my headlights on. I could see something up ahead 'dancing' on the left side of the road. I slowed way down as I drove past it and got a pretty good view of it as I went by.

It's hard to describe. - And I have no idea what it was.

It was approximately 2 foot tall, had 2 legs and 2 arms. It was green and the arms & legs were very thin. The hands and feet were webbed and the 'dancing' movement was similar to a marionette puppet. The feet were definitely coming off the ground. I didn't focus enough on the head to give any details other than it's face was sort of flat and it had long sharp protruding teeth.

If I'd driven past it faster I'd have thought it was a plant swaying in a breeze. It was about a foot onto the pavement and as I slowed down to drive past it I moved over to the right to make sure I wouldn't hit it. I was probably still doing 20 mph when I went by and I slowed to a stop. When I looked back, it was gone.

I wasn't shook up by the sight but I couldn't stop thinking it was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. - El Chupacabra?

No, I wasn't drinking, dreaming, or dropping acid.
My daughter played travel fastpitch softball when she was younger. She and I were at the 16U National Championship Tournament in Indianapolis some years ago. I got a call late one night letting me know my aunt had passed away. My daughter was sound asleep and never heard the phone ring. My conversation was very hushed since she was asleep and I never mentioned anything during the conversation about what had happened.
The next morning I told my daughter about the call and she said, "I know."
When I asked her how she could possibly know, she told me that, "Aunt Dixie came to me last night and said 'Goodbye'."
I got rained on in a foot and a half circle once while fishing a riverbank.
Sunny blue clear summer day.
Looked up no clouds just this rain.
Falling straight down soft like. Had a rainbow being generated like water sprayed from the garden hose into the sun.
Steady light rain sized drops. No clouds no wind just water falling out of sunny mid day calm blue sky in a very small area. Had to step aside and watch it till it stopped feeling the rain with my hand. It never moved being there was no breeze, just faded away like the shower was over. I suppose there is nothing
unexplainable about a rain shower.
The strange part was how small of an area was getting rain. That never happens here and is the strangest thing I have ever seen in my half a century of time on this planet.

I grew up on a swim team... During the summer season we worked out in a local outdoor pool early in the morning before it opened...

One day the clouds started coming, but did not get directly over the pool. We kept urging the coach to cancel practice that day, but he said that the clouds had to be directly over the pool before he would cancel practice..

The clouds surrounded the pool, but had a 'hole' above the pool, so the coach made us do the complete time for workout...

After practice that day in the parking lot, coach admitted that he couldn't believe that the clouds did not cover the pool so he would have had to call off practice....
When I was just a tyke there was one spot in the hall where I could broadjump about twice as far as anywhere else on the planet. Felt like I was flying. Just weird.
when my uncle died suddenly (as in, I didn't get to say goodbye - he was like a father to me), I went out into the woods to a clearing a bunch of us would ride our ATV's at - I drove out there in my Jeep and just sat there contemplating - staring up and wondering why... I was out there about 1/2 an hour and then this cloud came over ...and it was shaped just like my uncle - beard and all... I still get chills thinking about it - I got to say goodbye as that cloud disappeared.. some things you just can't explain...
when my uncle died suddenly (as in, I didn't get to say goodbye - he was like a father to me), I went out into the woods to a clearing a bunch of us would ride our ATV's at - I drove out there in my Jeep and just sat there contemplating - staring up and wondering why... I was out there about 1/2 an hour and then this cloud came over ...and it was shaped just like my uncle - beard and all... I still get chills thinking about it - I got to say goodbye as that cloud disappeared.. some things you just can't explain...
my parents got divorced when I was 8 yrs. old. after a big hulabaloo, I stayed w/ my dad, and my sister went w/ mom. had to go to see mom in Tulsa every other week end. once driving back on Easter morning, dad said, look at the moon, there was a very clear image of what we think Jesus looks like in the moon. don`t guess any one else saw it, never heard about it anyway. ????????
One of my great aunts took the photo below during a hurricane (Agnes?). She was "compelled" to take a photo of the clouds just when the hurricane eye passed over, though they didn't see anything there themselves. I asked her if I could have her photo but she said no. So I did the next best thing, I took a photo of her photo (my photo is the one in the frame below). I've had this since the 1970s and it still gives me chills when I look at it. It was easier to see in her photo the full figure of someone in a robe, with arms outstretched. They believed it was either the Virgin Mary or Jesus (couldn't see the face clearly enough).
when my uncle died suddenly (as in, I didn't get to say goodbye - he was like a father to me), I went out into the woods to a clearing a bunch of us would ride our ATV's at - I drove out there in my Jeep and just sat there contemplating - staring up and wondering why... I was out there about 1/2 an hour and then this cloud came over ...and it was shaped just like my uncle - beard and all... I still get chills thinking about it - I got to say goodbye as that cloud disappeared.. some things you just can't explain...
Its good to get that closure. you were ment to be there at that time.
One of my great aunts took the photo below during a hurricane (Agnes?). She was "compelled" to take a photo of the clouds just when the hurricane eye passed over, though they didn't see anything there themselves. I asked her if I could have her photo but she said no. So I did the next best thing, I took a photo of her photo (my photo is the one in the frame below). I've had this since the 1970s and it still gives me chills when I look at it. It was easier to see in her photo the full figure of someone in a robe, with arms outstretched. They believed it was either the Virgin Mary or Jesus (couldn't see the face clearly enough).View attachment 1714960038
People have seen the Madonna all over the world and can't explain it
It's a little disconcerting when my two year old looks over my shoulder and starts laughing like someone is behind me.

I think his big sis comes for a visit every once in a while.
I think that a lot of us experience things out of the ordinary but many are afraid to mention it to others for fear that we might seem a little "out there".
4 of us were driving home from a motocross race. Was raining pretty heavy. Paul was driving. He came to a stop. We asked him why he stopped and he just pointed to the side of the road...looked like an old lady...tattered dress with a shredded overcoat on walking up a tree...not climbing...but walking. We stopped to get something to eat..talked about it for,a few minutes and never mentioned it again
I ve heard strange things in my old house. Wife has also
No no no, your not going to get me to read all this stuff. Working late (till 10:30) in a vary large school and i'm the only one here tonight.
When my daughter was 4 years old, she told me and my wife that she wanted to show us the Angel that God had sent to look over her.

We said OK and she took us outside and laid down in the fresh snow on her back and flapped her arms a couple of times and then stood up and said "See, there she is!"

Now I have seen dozens of snow Angels before, but what I saw in this print on the ground sent chills down my spine...

Snow angel 0.jpg