Well there's a shocker.



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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It seems France found out that even if they try to mind their own business that they are still infidels.
One of these days maybe the people in this world will realize what the definition of the word is, huh?

If I were in charge of that mess I would use satellite imaging to find the post jihadi celebration that they love to have so much and turn it into a glass wasteland along with anyone ignorant enough to be in the blast zone with them.

"You want to play?"

Let's play.
They are part of your coalition actually and like Germany have been overun and outbred by waves of muslim refugees from the multiple regime change policies of whom ? They are both in fact expected to be majority Muslim by somewhere around 2020-2025 , Our new guy has the notion to bring 25,000 of em here by the end of the year , hopefully this changes his plans on that one eh! To his credit he has the right idea on pulling our forces out of the middle east it's past time to stop trying to impose our values on other people , we need to just make a pot of popcorn and sit back and watch them work their crap out with out us . Anybody that thinks you can repeatedly kick a hornets nest without getting stung is a retard .

perhaps this is in the wrong forum ?
(perhaps this is in the wrong forum ? )

It might end up in News and Political but for now you guys are doing great. Everyone has a opinion and as long as there aren't threats and name calling we're ok. tmm
This is what I have been able to gather;
One of the things their religion commands them to do is to convert non-Muslims to their faith, or to kill them if they refuse. Their religion is all about killing. They kill gays, unfaithful wives,and girls having pre-marital sex, and persons they call infidels, who are any/all non-Muslims. Women are chattel.
But the boys/men can do pretty much as they please, and 12 year old boys are given guns and taught to kill. The whole thing seems to revolve around sex and killing.
Can you imagine?
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be again when the ...
They are part of your coalition actually and like Germany have been overun and outbred by waves of muslim refugees from the multiple regime change policies of whom ? They are both in fact expected to be majority Muslim by somewhere around 2020-2025 , Our new guy has the notion to bring 25,000 of em here by the end of the year , hopefully this changes his plans on that one eh! To his credit he has the right idea on pulling our forces out of the middle east it's past time to stop trying to impose our values on other people , we need to just make a pot of popcorn and sit back and watch them work their crap out with out us . Anybody that thinks you can repeatedly kick a hornets nest without getting stung is a retard .

perhaps this is in the wrong forum ?

I likened it to stomping on a red ant hill when this all started.
I don't have a problem with Muslims being all over the world in every country, but I do have a problem with violent pricks that abuse and murder others just because they don't worship the SAME God the SAME way.
Not just Muslims either, because I feel killing over religion is one of the stupidest things humans do.
They can't live and let live like our world and it inhabitants so needs us to do, so they need to go to virgin land earlier than they planned.

(and millions of martyrs are fine with me if that's what it takes to eradicate the planet of these extremists)

Imagine the problems decent hard working Muslim Americans as well as other countries peaceful Muslim citizens are going to go through for this. (not fair to them either)

This is what I have been able to gather;
One of the things their religion commands them to do is to convert non-Muslims to their faith, or to kill them if they refuse. Their religion is all about killing. They kill gays, unfaithful wives,and girls having pre-marital sex, and persons they call infidels, who are any/all non-Muslims. Women are chattel.
But the boys/men can do pretty much as they please, and 12 year old boys are given guns and taught to kill. The whole thing seems to revolve around sex and killing.
Can you imagine?
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be again when the ...

Which although sexist, cruel and violent wouldn't be that big of a deal to us if they kept it to themselves, but as you pointed out their religion tasks them with changing the way other people do things or kill them.
To me this just reinforces the eventual need to realize that the only way to keep all of it from contaminating and destroying more "civilized" cultures is to put a quick end to that crap.
You aint talking them out of it or negotiating anything with them. (ever)
As long as these kinds of people exist, they will kill given the chance to do so, and I don't understand why we are playing slapfight with them.
Just like a red ant hill or the wasp nest you likened it to, pour gas on it and incinerate it or keep getting bit and stung.

You can bet your last dollar if it was Washington that happened in there would be a very strong retaliation for it.
We have seen over and over what we the people are worth to our government, (cannon fodder)
(perhaps this is in the wrong forum ? )

It might end up in News and Political but for now you guys are doing great. Everyone has a opinion and as long as there aren't threats and name calling we're ok. tmm

It helps to actually develop some good will between each other before having this sort of conversation .