Wendy's lost my identity. Can I sue?

Not a lawyer either, I agree with the sentiment that they have unlimited funds and lawyers that you can't possibly stack up against, that and until you're actually fired you don't have a genuine case. Should that happen I would expect giving the media your story, without exagerating it in any way would be a reasonable option. They can bury you in court costs but bad press isn't good for business so that gives you a fighting chance.
Step 1. Keep your cool. All the time.
Step 2. Go as far up the chain as you can.
Step 3. explain the situation just like did here: You submitted twice, you have witnesses (which, for the record, aren't typically reliable), you've been threatened with termination, you've done what you were supposed to, what can "WE" do to rectify the issue without termination.
Step 4. Realize that you're probably the brightest guy there and that pisses someone off. Let's face it, they're probably angry because they're Wendy's corporate, and they probably drive Chevy. Set a life goal to move on as soon as is reasonable.

There's no reasonable legal recourse here. It isn't worth it. Nobody cares but you. That's the root of the problem.
It usually works like this, this is how lawyers get rich. He goes online with the complaint, he is not the only employee this has happened to. Lawyers are all buddies. enough complaints, a rich lawyer looks into it, sees money. So he files a class action suit, advertises for more people that got shafted. After several years, all the people that got shafted get $500, the lawyer gets $40 million.

That is our judicial system. Who writes the laws in all government? Lawyers.

Who disciplines the few lawyers caught being corrupt by the public? The lawyers own bar association...

Old Shakespeare was right when he said "kill the lawyers" what, that was in the 1600's?
If they can ya, take a poop in the frosty machine!

They have mucho moola and you prolly not so much, but that cant stop you from talking to the labor board, or going to the press. Was the dipshit stupervisor not there when the stuff was faxed in?? Usually sweat-shops like that keep a copy in their files and just send another copy to Ho. Good luck, bunch off ***-clowns!! Next Wendys Im in I will $hit in the urinal for ya!
In order to win a lawsuit, you would have to prove damages, none of which have occurred yet. If you lose your job tomorrow, you can claim wages you lost, but you are talking a fairly minor amount. It probably isn't worth dragging it out in court, because their lawyers surely would. As to the identity, until it is used by someone or proven to be stolen, it isn't. It is just lost. We've all lost things, and no court is going to award you anything because you've lost nothing. Your SS card, if it costs you for a replacement, I would ask Wendy's to pay for since they lost it. If they won't, again, are you going to sue for $10? I would take this as a bad experience with a bad company and look for work elsewhere.
If they can ya, take a poop in the frosty machine!

They have mucho moola and you prolly not so much, but that cant stop you from talking to the labor board, or going to the press. Was the dipshit stupervisor not there when the stuff was faxed in?? Usually sweat-shops like that keep a copy in their files and just send another copy to Ho. Good luck, bunch off ***-clowns!! Next Wendys Im in I will $hit in the urinal for ya!

That sucks worse than you know. At my bar people throw chew in the urinals and sometimes puke in them. There isn't enough water flow in a urinal to wash away anything other than fluids, so someone has to clean them out by hand. **** would suck! I can't tell you how many times I have had to have the plumbers come in and clean out the urinal drains! A daily dump in their urinals would piss them off for sure!
That sucks worse than you know. At my bar people throw chew in the urinals and sometimes puke in them. There isn't enough water flow in a urinal to wash away anything other than fluids, so someone has to clean them out by hand. **** would suck! I can't tell you how many times I have had to have the plumbers come in and clean out the urinal drains! A daily dump in their urinals would piss them off for sure!

I hear ya, I worked in bars for around 10 years. Fun job, but being sober around a lotta drunk people aint much fun. Once off work I always found myself playing catchup. Had my fair share of cleaning, but nothing that drastic. You could stick a flag in it like Wile E Coyote does with the bird seed.
....................and the other thing is, IF all this is true as posted, do you REALLY want to work for an outfit that treats it's employees in this manner? By the way I haven't eaten at Wendys for a VERY long time. When I go, here, anyway, it's Carl's Jr. The girls there are really nice
well, you sound wack!''' oh, can i sue, can i sue? that is wronf\g with the people today!. go sue yourself for even going to work there. and instead of trying to sue everyone and their mother, go out and get a different job. mc d's hires all the time, and burger king will give it to you your way!